الأحد، 11 فبراير 2018

Full Moon Of Wagaung And Draw

Wagaung (July/August) one (the second) of the three months of the Buddhist loaned - Waso (June/July), Wagaung (July/August) and Thawthalin (August/September) - is a month of restraint, calm examination, worthy deeds with e.g. 'Soons' (donations given to pongyis), robe and sustenance offerings and forbearance, in which the going of pongyis, chasing, moving of the house and relational unions are not allowed; and numerous individuals go into religious withdraw or attach for a specific period. Consequently, Wagaung la pyei htun pwe daw', the Full-moon Festival of Wagaung is a simply religious issue for justify making. It is seen as 'Celebration of Offering' or 'Draw-a-considerable measure Festival'.

I, for one, have paid for the lunch of the majority of the 'pongyis' (priests) of the Pandita Yama Kyaung (religious community) in Yangon where I now and again go for reflection. Every single fundamental plan will be made by the organization of the religious community. You are warmly welcomed to go with me and my family and some of my companions at 09:00 a.m. on the Full-Moon Day Of Waso to the cloister where we will have our lunch.

As the name 'Draw-a-considerable measure' celebration suggests, the illustration of a ton will choose which pongyi will have his feast paid by you, in the event that you participate in the 'draw-a-great deal', that is. This goes as takes after. The name of every individual from the nearby Sangha (or Sangha of your township) is composed on a paper that is put in a crate or bushel in the wake of being moved up or collapsed together. Each taking an interest family unit is picking a delegate who is drawing a great deal from the crate or bin. The pongyi whose name is on the paper will be extravagantly encouraged the next day. Be that as it may, one of the parcels bears the name 'Gautama Buddha'. This part is, in a way, the 'big stake' and the fortunate individual who is drawing this parcel will have the pleasure to have the Buddha. With everything taken into account, the celebration is a tranquil and calm occasion filling for Buddhists transcendently the need of doing demonstrations of 'dhana' (giving) to pick up merits.

Yet, there are additionally different celebrations that occur in Wagaung. Taungbyone, found an around one-hour auto ride, somewhere in the range of 30 miles/48 kilometer north of Mandalay, for example, is in August the scene of 'Nat gadaws' (spouses or mediums of nats/watchman spirits) who hold there every year a 7-day 'Nat Festival' or 'Nat pwe'.

On the off chance that you happen to be in Mandalay at the perfect time this is a chance to get to know at least one of the almighty 'nats'; something not to be missed on the grounds that it isn't just entrancing and leaving however relying upon from where you are coming it is likewise liable to be the main chance to do this you will ever be offered in all your years. It will take you the entire day.

Since it is no simple errand to find a nat gadaw (it set aside me a significant long opportunity to make companions with two of them and go to nat pwes) for which reason you should prepare and utilize a decent nearby companion or manual for make the game plans. I guarantee that you won't lament this. It can without much of a stretch end up noticeably one of the features of your vacation in Burma. Nat love constitutes the immediate association with Burma's past, going far back to pre-Buddhist circumstances.

Individuals of the past spring up in light of the fact that nats were all genuine individuals at some time who passed on rather deplorably before they progressed toward becoming spirits. Stories of affection, trust, joy, bitterness and interest are the request of the day in the domain of the nats. You may make the associate with the soul of one of the much respected nats, Min Kyaw Zwa, known as U Min Kyaw, the 'Plastered nat'

There are numerous stories about who U Min Kyaw was. One of them is that U Min Kyaw was a ruler and bold warrior in the twelfth century who was exceptionally inclined to drinking, smoking, betting and womanizing. In any case, he was in any case particularly adored by his kin since he was likewise exceptionally liberal. In this way, in the event that you see a moving nat gadaw drinking alcohol from a jug and tossing hands-brimming with cash into the glad group, that is him, the 'gatekeeper soul' of every one of the individuals who get a kick out of the chance to live in the fast track. On the off chance that you make him glad (give him a container of his most loved drink ) he may consequently make you rich.

Be that as it may, be watchful, U Min Kyaw is a fairly saucy nat and it is conceivable that you wind up plainly controlled by his soul. Who knows? Celestials have their own particular strange methods for demonstrating their appreciation and communicating their bliss.

In any case, don't stress, should this happen he will after a brief time leave your body again and the most dire outcome imaginable is that on the next day you should battle a serious headache; little cost for the magnificent experience of having turned into a companion of U Min Kyaw and having been controlled by his soul.

Nevertheless, tomorrow is 'Full-moon day of Wagaung' and at 08:30 I will come to lift you up before we go to the cloister for the stylized sustenance offering, a service of the kind celebrated on this day everywhere throughout the nation whatever the protest of gift may be. It would be ideal if you remember that it is a dressy event. See you tomorrow morning.

It is currently Full-moon Day of Wagaung and we - you, my better half, my cleaning specialists, my driver and I - have touched base at the Pandita Yama Kyaung and we are fortunate on the grounds that it isn't raining as it more often than not is in this season of blustery season. We enter the religious community compound. Behind the door, inclining toward the mass of the guard house stands a man-high writing board with the name of the present giver on it; it is my name, so all is well.

We are invited by a young fellow from the organization office who drives us to a gathering of two pongyis. He presents us as the present givers and upon presentation they lead us into a banquet hall where we take a seat. One of the priests remains for casual conversation with us while the other one is clearing out. After a brief time he comes back to advise us that the 'Sayadaw' (the admired abbot of a Buddhist religious community) might want to see me and my better half. In this way, we need to abandon you for a brief span. In any case, you don't have to stress both my senior house keeper and the pongyi communicate in English and you can gab with them while you are pausing. It is a decent open door for you to get direct data on Buddhist issues, the religious community, life in the cloister, reflection, et cetera, don't dither to ask them.

Me and my significant other take after the pongyi to the Sayadaw's office where we are warmly invited by him. He has a quality of nobility about him yet else he doesn't show any at all conduct of prevalence; an exceptionally affable senior man with a significant decent summon of English. We have an exceptionally lovely discussion over the span of which he indicates authentic enthusiasm for my life in Burma, my nation of origin and my profound life. We abandon him after a brief time, re-go along with you and after that our gathering is driven into the lobby were the offering service will occur.

The lobby is fairly gravely outfitted with a line of five high-supported armchairs with expound wood carvings and three tables with wood carvings before them. Whatever remains of the outfitting is comprised of basic round, short-legged wooden tables and some basic side-sheets put along the dividers. Everything is perfect, slick and clean, the floor is secured with straw mats and one side of the lobby is over nearly its whole lengths open to the court with a slope like, roofed walkway before it. There, a significant expansive number of little gatherings of red-robed pongyis are sitting tight for the start of the function. In spite of the severity the entire scene is wrapped in an extremely noble and merry environment that is in its own specific manner exceptionally touching. The Sayadaw, joined by four senior pongyis is as of now sitting on the armchairs with the Sayadaw set in the inside and two senior priests put on either side of him.

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