السبت، 10 فبراير 2018

The Golden Wonder

This principle stage that is utilized by the vast majority of local people for supplications, offerings and unwinding and by visitors to visit the Shwedagon Pagoda is really not the best level but rather the center level. The upper level is on the primary stupa however get to is just allowed to local people (men just!) and Buddhist priests with uncommon authorization from the Pagoda Security.

Before us is the gold-secured Shwedagon stupa ascending into the sky. The stupa is 295 feet/90 meters high and has at patio level a perimeter of somewhere in the range of 1.421 feet/433 meters. Give me a chance to give you now some clarification concerning the plan example of the stupa that is really a standard example for all pagoda stupas. I will portray the example beginning from the base and closure at the best.

1. The base of the Shwedagon stupa, a totally strong cone-molded structure that continuously decreases towards the best, is a level supporting piece called plinth.

2. Over this take after rectangular patios (paccayas). What takes after are

3. octagonal porches (poo mhaungs),

4. the ringer (khaung laung pone),

5. the turban band (baung yit),

6. the transformed charity bowl (thabaik mhauk) with lotus petals,

7. moldings (phaung yits),

8. the Lotus honored position (1 push down-turned lotus petals, kya mhauk, and 1 push up-turned lotus petals, kya lan),

9. the banana butt (nga pyaw bu),

10, the umbrella (hti),

11. the cone,

12. the vane and

13. the jewel circle (sein bu) over the vane.

The brilliant stupa around which 64 littler stupas and 4 bigger stupas are set is the superb focus bit of the Shwedagon Pagoda. Of the 4 substantial pagodas one is constantly put at one of the 4 cardinal focuses, inverse the passage to the best arrival of the particular staircase. Be that as it may, this is by a long shot not all the pagoda involves.

The patio covers an aggregate zone of around 14 sections of land/7 hectares and on it are also to the predominant focal stupa complex nearly 100 other reverential fundamental destinations, for example, the Victory Ground, Bodhi trees and structures, for example, littler and bigger supplication lobbies (tazaungs), littler and bigger petition structures (tazaungs), rest structures (zayats), hallowed places of different sizes, planetary posts, littler and bigger pagodas, the Maha Ganda Bell, the Maha Tissada Bell, the ruler Dhammazedi stone engravings, sanctuaries and various statues of Buddhas, chinthes, manokthihas, nats, weizzars, rulers, lords, beasts, belus, nagas, and so on. All structures have tired rooftops and are moreover luxuriously enlivened with brilliant (gold, gold bronze or metal) bargeboards. On the off chance that you are keen on checking the greater part of the altars including the littler and littlest ones that exist inside the Shwedagon Pagoda complex you will find that there are more than 300 of them.

At first look everything seems, by all accounts, to be scattered fiercely here. It is the thing that William Somerset Maugham in his 'The Gentleman In The Parlor' from 1930 depicts as "Finally we achieved the colossal porch. About holy places, and pagodas were cluttered willy nilly with the perplexity with which trees develop in the wilderness". I have gone to the Shwedagon Pagoda ordinarily and found this isn't genuine in light of the fact that everything inside the primary stupa zone is symmetrically planned and there is a sure request even in the outfit of structures encompassing the stupa. Things have practically changed since I was here the first run through somewhere in the range of 25 years prior. Various redesigns have been attempted at the Shwedagon Pagoda amid the most recent 16 years starting in 1999 with another hti with a weight of somewhere in the range of 5 tons. As for the focal stupa not such a large number of things have changed but rather what concerns alternate parts of the pagoda, for example, the stairways, the structures encompassing the fundamental stupa, the greenery enclosures, and so on a considerable measure. These things are in much better conditions now.

The explanation behind this is clear. The Shwedagon Pagoda was from around 1965 to 1995 solely went to by nearby Buddhists and neighborhood and outside Buddhist pongyis (priests). Since 1995 (and particularly since 2010) the Shwedagon Pagoda is to an expanding degree additionally an essential fascination for voyagers and in so far an extremely intriguing wellspring of wage for the Shwedagon Pagoda Trust.

Before us at the foot of the south side of the fundamental stupa you see the Konagamana Adoration Hall likewise called Temple of the Konagamana Buddha or Konagamana Shrine. It is one of the pagoda's 4 principle holy places. Each holy place is devoted to one of the last 4 Buddhas. You recollect that when I was educating you regarding the historical backdrop of the Shwedagon Pagoda I likewise revealed to you that Konagamana was the 26th Buddha and that as legend has it his water channel is one of the relics cherished here in the Shwedagon Pagoda. When we stroll around the stupa you will see the love corridors of the other 3 Buddhas whose relics are cherished here. This Adoration Hall was redesigned in 1947 and 2007. How about we go over yonder and see what is inside. As should be obvious here are numerous Buddha statues of various sizes and from different periods what you can tell from the diverse plans. To my best information and conviction I can guarantee you that some of these Buddha statues are among the most seasoned on the Shwedagon Pagoda.

Konagamana Buddha is perched on a position of royalty in the Bhumisparsha Mudra (signal of touching the earth) in an enlightened buckle the front of which is secured with a glass window. The statue is made of a combination containing gold, silver, copper, iron and lead, moderately little and has a neon radiance. Before the give in is to Konagamana's privilege a Buddha statue in a situated position. This Buddha picture is made of white marble. Set more in front is one substantial Buddha statue made of metal in situated position on a honored position set on either side of the give in.

When I educated you regarding my grandson, the Burmese horoscope and related things I guaranteed you to disclose to you more about it after our landing in the Shwedagon and that is precisely what I am will do now. As a matter of fact, I am not simply disclosing to you all the more but rather am additionally showing to you what I might want you to do while we are strolling around the stupa.

Do you know at what weekday you were conceived? No? That is no issue since I have here duplicates of a 100 year logbook. This date-book empowers you to discover the dates and days of the week in any year from 1901 to 2000. If it's not too much trouble take a duplicate and discover the correct weekday at which you were conceived. Are you game? Alright, would anyone say anyone is of you conceived on a Wednesday? Goodness, truly, you 2 were conceived on a Wednesday? Next inquiry: would you say you were conceived toward the beginning of the day or night? Toward the beginning of the day! That is extraordinary. I too was conceived on a Wednesday morning what implies that the planet comparing to our day and time of birth is the Mercury and the creature related with us is the elephant with tusks.

Presently let us move a couple of ventures once again from the Konagamana Shrine and see what we will discover at the privilege and left hand side of the hallowed place before the Shwedagon stupa. On the left hand side you see among others a post. This post is the Planetary Post for Mercury. This and the greater part of the other planetary posts we will see are moderately basic yet lovely wooden posts exactly 12 feet/3 meters in stature. They are painted dim red and include 6 sections, to be specific (from foot to top) a stage, a platform, a sideways jutting vase holder for 2 vases (1 right, 1 remaining), a column, sideways projecting adornments and a billboard with the overlaid name of the day. On the correct hand side you see, well, from here mostly asking individuals standing and sitting before a balustrade with 2 glass boxes, candles, joss sticks, blooms, little white paper umbrellas and plate with organic products, different sorts of sustenance and glasses or plastic containers with drinking water over it and behind the balustrade the highest point of the second Planetary post for Mercury. At all 4 Adoration Halls you will see on the two sides a planetary post for a similar planet/weekday. Give us a chance to draw nearer and take a gander at it from the side with the goal that you can see a greater amount of what is happening.

Ok, now we can perceive what is behind the balustrade; out of sight we see an expansive statue with a human face wearing a brilliant robe and wearing a brilliant head outfit. This is Thagyamin, the ruler of the celestials (nats). We find before him a little marble statue of a sitting Buddha with strands of Sabai (Jasmine) blooms around the neck and shoulders. Before the Buddha we see a perfectly with help tiles embellished round water bowl over a bigger oval formed water bowl and a brilliant elephant (with tusks) remaining in this bigger bowl at floor level. Furthermore, we do likewise observe individuals remaining around this group scooping water out of the upper bowl and pouring it over the statues. Do you know what the greater part of this implies? No? Alright, let me clarify. These individuals are altogether conceived on a Wednesday morning and this is their place in light of the fact that here is the elephant with tusks. They are playing out a Buddhist custom to pick up merits and request favors. No imperative choice, for example, getting hitched, naming a kid, making a bigger buy, moving to somewhere else, making a business, and so on is managed without looking for direction and support. In any case, this custom has nothing to do with Buddhism itself however is the aftereffect of blending Buddhist and animistic conviction, which has its start with King Anawrahta of Pagan (1044 - 1077 A.D.) who presented Buddhism (Theravada Buddhism, to be exact) into his Pagan kingdom.

Anawrahta, who was an animist himself preceding his gathering Shin Arahan who changed over him to Buddhism, needed to influence concessions so as to keep to his kin serene amid the way toward killing the exceptionally prominent animism that was honed by the quack-clerics called Aris whose adherents were the Ari priests. He, accordingly, coordinated parts of animistic conviction into Buddhism and did, for example, make 37 nats with their ruler being Thagyamin, the naga faction, crystal gazing and space science part of the Buddhist religion in his kingdom. Back to our 'wish offering' and 'washing function' or as the Burmese say 'yadayar', to advance ones good fortune. Essential is that you never attempt

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