الأحد، 11 فبراير 2018

The Shwedagon Pagoda

The causes and beginning of Rangoon, at the season of this composition since 26 years called Yangon, are a blend of legend, secret and demonstrated memorable reality. The Yangon of today is so to speak a finished confound the bits of which originate from various circumstances, distinctive political circumstances, diverse political and religious occasions and better places. These 'pieces' that were fundamental to Yangon's coming to be in both legend and the truth are the Mon Kingdom Suvannabhumi, the Mon King Okkalapa, the little angling town Okkala (later Dagon), the heavenly Singuttara slope, relics of 4 Buddhas including those of the present Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, the dealer siblings Tapussa and Bhallika from Okkala, Taninganway Gyo Min, ruler of the celestials likewise called Thagyamin, Sularata, additionally called Sule nat (watchman soul), the Mon ruler Shinsawbu, the Burmese King Alaungpaya and a few other progressive Mon and Burmese lords of various periods, the Shwedagon Pagoda and, obviously, in particular the British.

The histories of Rangoon/Yangon and the Shwedagon pagoda are indivisibly interwoven and the appearing of one required as well as made conceivable the appearing of the other. It is sheltered to state, that without the Mon, Yangon and the Shwedagon pagoda (similarly as such a significant number of different things) as we probably am aware them would not exist in Burma and without the British, Yangon (the first excellent British Colonial Rangoon part) would positively neither have its present townscape nor its significance as port city and financial center.

Alright, let me now go back in time, get more particular about the 'bewilder pieces' and assembled them by revealing to you the accompanying stunning story that has its starting some time before the Pagan administration rose in the late ninth century under the Pyu ruler Thamudarit.

As legend has it, everything started route back in the fogs of history and legend of the sixth century BC, more exactly around 585 BC, with the little settlement of Okkala established by the western Mon who around then had effectively settled most punctual southeast Asian civilisations, societies and kingdoms in the territories of present circumstances Mon State and in addition along the southern outskirt amongst Burma and Thailand and in south Burma's prolific delta area, to be specific, the Bago Division, Yangon Division and Pathein District (Ayeyawaddy Delta) with their later principle focuses being Thaton and Bago. Accepting that Siddhartha Gautama was conceived between 563 BC and 483 BC and further expecting that he progressed toward becoming Buddha at 35 years old, which would be between 528 BC and 403 BC, a year between 590 BC and 580 BC can be the right time frame in which our story starts. In those days the zone where Okkala was fabricated was - like the greater part of the south drift territory - low lying and frequently swampy land.

The Mon lord Okkalapa inhabited the time being referred to in close region of the 58 meter/188 ft high Singuttara slope, which - as legend goes - was at that point around then a for Buddhist sacrosanct slope since some place covered up on its best were relics of the 3 Buddhas going before Gautama Buddha. These relics were the 'taunghmwedaw', strolling staff of the 25th Buddha Kakusandha, the 'yesittaw', water channel of the 26th Buddha Konagamana, and a bit of 'yethanauttaw' the showering robe of the 27th Buddha Kassapa, cherished. Coincidentally, the slope's name Singuttara goes, again as indicated by legend, back to a monster centipede that lived here and whose staple nourishment were elephants the errands (in Pali 'singa') of which he used to heap up high (in Pali 'uttara') on the slope, along these lines, the name Singuttara is gotten from 'singa uttara'. Alright, back to the story.

Lord Okkalapa now had 2 major issues that caused him very some migraine. Right off the bat, he had in spite of his serious scanning for the Buddha relics no thought where precisely they were covered up and, besides, he realized that the Singuttara slope would lose its consecration if not soon another Buddha would show up and add a blessing from him to the relics of his forerunners. Shockingly, there was nothing he could do except for to sit on the slope and implore that the following Buddha would not appear past the point of no return and that he would discover where the relics of the previous Buddhas were covered up in time.

One day when lord Okkalapa was again contemplating and imploring over the slope Siddhartha Gautama, who had quite recently accomplished illumination under the Bodhi tree in Lumpini stop (North India) marvelously showed up before him letting him know not to stress. He guaranteed to satisfy lord Okkalapa's desire for a blessing from him and vanished to ponder for 49 days under the Bodhi tree. After that - toward the finish of the 49th day - he gave the siblings Tapussa and Bhallika - traders by calling and from Okkala - who had come to meet him 8 'hsandawshin' (sacrosanct hairs) from his head (four hairs for each of them) in return for the principal blessing he acknowledged as Buddha: nectar cakes.

Thus, now the main issue, the missing present from the new Buddha, was settled and the siblings who were currently Gautama Buddha's initial 2 lay supporters needed to bring them securely and as fast as conceivable to their town Okkala keeping in mind the end goal to hand them over to their ruler. Nonetheless, their trip back home did not go and sought after; despite what might be expected it was truly brave and in the genuine feeling of the word they lost same hair. When they, at long last, touched base back home they had been looted of 4 of the initially 8 hairs of Gautama Buddha; 2 were burglarized by Nagarajah, the lord of the water-staying Nagas (indistinguishable with Varuna, the Indian Vedic divine force of tempests) and 2 by an Indian Madra ruler of Aryavrata, which - when we attempt to loan some reality to the legend - could have been either lord Karmapala or King Vikramapala (the last succeeding the previous) since they were in this period reigning one of the kingdoms in the north-east of India.

In any case, Tapussa and Bhallika achieved Okkala with just 4 hairs of Gautama Buddha left - or so they thought. The siblings were at that point energetically anticipated and invited in fabulous style by their lord Okkalapa and a large number of individuals. In any case, the coffin with the hairs was not opened quickly. In the first place, the second issue, the finding of where the relics of the 3 Gautama Buddha going before Buddhas were revered, should have been understood. In spite of the fact that Gautama Buddha had given the siblings some data as to where this place would be by instructing them to discover a tree trunk adjusting on a top such that neither one of the ends touched the ground this was not a simple activity in light of the fact that the slope was secured with thick backwoods. Presently assistance from powerful creatures was desperately required. Thagyamin, the lord of the celestials was inquired. He immediately cleared a significant part of the backwoods and diminished the conceivable place where the incredible Buddha relics were covered to a littler zone however the correct spot they were hunting down he couldn't discover. The conclusive piece of information was, at long last, gave by the most established of the nats (spirits), Sularata, the Sule nat, and there was incredible euphoria among the nats, Mon ruler Okkalapa and his kin when the place with the relics of the past Buddhas was, finally, found.

On the off chance that you think the apex of unimaginable wondrous occasions has now been contacted you are incorrect; simply pause and hear what else legend has in store for you.

A major devour was arranged and occurred for the reverence function; now the ideal time for opening the coffin had arrived. The exact second the coffin with Gautama Buddha's hairs was opened unimaginable phenomenal things happened. Gracious, ponder, every one of the 8 hairs (and not just 4) were in the coffin and discharged light beams that lit up the earth. There was a thunder, the ground was shaking, Mount Meru shook, all trees in the Himalayan detonated rashly into full sprout and bore natural products, while lightning flashed and a deluge of jewels began. All of sudden the hard of hearing could hear, the weak could walk, the idiotic could talk and the visually impaired could see. Goodness, simply envision - with the a.m. at the top of the priority list - what number of issues it would explain when the coffin would be opened again for only a brief span. No, I don't intend to be amusing and I am not exactly beyond any doubt whether this was a fitting comment it is possible that; it just rung a bell.

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