الأحد، 11 فبراير 2018

The Tazaungdaing Light Festival

In the Burmese month of Thadingyut (September/October) it was overwhelmingly the joy of expectation that put the general population into great soul and made them glad; the foresight of better climate (after the finish of the rainstorm season), of getting hitched, of moving the house, of going to chase and with respect to 'pongyis' (priests) of voyaging. In a nutshell, the foresight of all that what the general population did not have or what to do is viewed as unthinkable amid the three month of Buddhist loaned.

With the entry of the passionately anticipated 'Thadingyut la pyei mee htun pwe daw' (Full-moon Light Festival of Thadingyut) that we have celebrated at the start of October every one of those brilliant things have turned out to be valid and now in the long stretch of 'Tazaungmon' (October/November) the Burmese individuals are cheerfully occupied with doing the greater part of this and are getting a charge out of the bright, 'cool' and dry climate.

Those living to a huge degree on chasing or can make great easygoing profit with it have a higher pay now, individuals' menus are upgraded by crisp and wonderful 'Ame like' (diversion) of numerous sorts, from 'Tha min' (deer) to 'Taw wat' (wild hog) to various types of 'Taw kyat' (fowl), lovebirds get hitched and move into new homes (as do numerous others), and pongyis are making a trip to visit their families, which a significant number of them didn't see for no less than three months. Everyone is feeling and indicating joy and the grins become brighter by the day as the 'Tazaungdaing mee htun pwe daw', Tazaungdaing Festival of Lights - which to set they up will soon bustling themselves with - and the 'Pagoda Weaving Contests' are moving closer. Tazaungmon is one more month of bliss and festivities on end.

Just somewhere in the range of two weeks have gone since we have cheerfully commended the Thadingyut Light Festival and in around two weeks we will praise the following well known light celebration, the 'Light Festival of Tazaungdaing'.

In any case, Tazaungmon has more to offer than the light celebration and the pagoda celebrations with the weaving challenges. In this manner, the general population of and in Burma accomplish more than celebrating just these two occasions and weddings; numerous things are on this month and in the accompanying we will fret about them in some detail.

Tail me into the bright Burma, since 1989 called Myanmar (a name that isn't undisputed) and the glad existences of the Burmese individuals in Tazaungmon. In the following days we will incidentally blend with the general population. At that point you can perceive what they are doing. That will help you to improve understanding for what is happening here than you get from simply perusing what I am composing.

The a month between the two light celebrations, both of which are joined by merriments and stately offerings, are called 'Kathein'. This is the period in which Burmese Buddhists give 'Kathein thingan' (Kathein pongyi robes), shoes, 'Htis' (umbrellas), 'Thabeiks' (donations bowls), 'Yets' (hand fans), 'Bagans' (plates), 'Qwes' (glasses), sets of 'Zoon, Khat, Dar' (cutlets) and even 'Pari baw ga' (furniture) and cash to pongyis and 'kyaungs' (Buddhist religious communities). This they improve the situation the motivation behind picking up merits for this and their following lives they should live before at long last coming to 'nibbana', a definitive objective Buddhists need to reach. It is a condition of neither presence nor non-presence. They can (and do) obviously give these things whenever of the year to the 'Sangha' (Buddhist request or Buddhist ascetic group) however it is trusted that the demonstration of 'dhana' (giving) amid Kathein is more worthy than at different circumstances.

The 'dad de tha stick' is a ponder tree on which everything develops that the person needs as well as wants. You need to eat caviar or Parma ham or lobster or smoked salmon or a major, succulent and delicate steak or whatever your most loved dish might be? You need to drink a container of shimmering champagne or wine or bourbon or brew or some other refreshment you may support? You need to have a pleasant Lacoste shirt or an awesome Giorgio Armani suit or a fantasy like Coco or Christian Dior dress? Or on the other hand perhaps you need a costly timepiece with precious stones? Forget about it, the tree bears every one of these things rather than customary foods grown from the ground are there for you to pick. Come to think about that! Whatever you need, you simply go into the garden and essentially cull it from the tree. The words 'need' and 'no more' you could just expel from your vocabulary since you would have everything (in material terms) whenever, in any quality and in any amount and there would dependably be sufficient of everything. Is that not superb?

All things considered, as indicated by legend this sort of tree truly developed at the time humanity appeared. In any case, eagerness and begrudge put a conclusion to this great time as it influenced the tree to vanish. Issue was that individuals were allowed to picking just as much as they extremely expected to fulfill their quick request. Be that as it may, they picked more than they really required or could devour at one time and put away it or took things they really did not require in light of the fact that others had taken them and they needed to stay aware of the Joneses what provoked the tree to vanish. You perceive the parallels to the Christian 'Heaven'?

In any case, amid Kathein you can see this tree once more. It 'develops' at numerous spots. Obviously, these trees are not genuine trees but rather wooden triangular edges with wires hung from one side of the casing to the next. You see that man-high things over yonder, the one with the numerous paper embellishments cut to the wires and the guileful enrichment made of paper? Truly, the one that looks like a Christmas tree with a Christmas star at the best. That is a dad de tha tree and the 'paper' embellishments are genuine monetary certificates that are tucked to the casing. Looks decent, does it not?

Be that as it may, as opposed to the 'genuine' dad de tha stick, from these dad de tha trees you don't take anything by any stretch of the imagination. Despite what might be expected, you put something onto them as these trees speak to the soul of 'dhana', of 'giving'. On, for example, the numerous road celebrations that are held right now you can see these triangular formed wooden edges on which individuals put 'natural products', that is their gifts in cash or in kind. Along these lines, in the event that you happen to pass a dad de tha tree amid one of the following days, please hang a collapsed monetary certificate or a little blessing on it. It must not be an extensive sum. Any sum or thing that you give will win you merits and I wish you that a genuine dad de tha tree will develop on your doorstep and that you will never again need to state the word 'need' or to hear the words 'no more'.

The dad de tha 'trees' are brought - once they are brimming with 'natural products' gave by organizations and customary individuals like you and me - in long parades of pleasant individuals joined by 'Do bats' (music troupes) and moving gatherings to the particular religious community the gifts are committed to. Every cloister isn't permitted to acknowledge more than one tree or set of these triangular wooden edges. The dissemination of the endowments, for example, robes, shoes, hand fans, cooking pots, skillet, covers, and so on to the individuals from the Sangha (priests) is finished by method for 'fortunate draw' or lottery.

The Tazaungdaing Festival is additionally called 'Kattika Feast' and it is frequently alluded to in the 'Jatakas' (Buddha's introduction to the world stories). When I am expounding on Burma I am frequently saying, among others, Jatakas and discover it now valuable to give you a couple of expressions of clarification. Jatakas are the ethically and separately training stories of Siddhartha Gautama's (the later Buddha's) lives as it is accepted that the Buddha advanced through numerous his Enlightenment-going before presences in different types of living animals and even as otherworldly being. Among these different presences were, e.g. that of a ruler, a deer, a pooch and a divine being. The Jatakas as often as possible begin from Gautama Buddha himself and as per early Buddhism the picking up of information of the greater part of his previous lives was a basic piece of his Enlightenment. The Jatakas are one a player in the three sections involving 'Tripitaka' or 'Tipitaka' (Pali for 'Three Baskets'), which are the central scriptural group of Buddhism.

There are a lot of stories and legends that arrangement with the subject of celebrations in Tazaungmon. There is, for example, one story as per which Burmese individuals need to really thank criminals for being given the chance to celebrate in Tazaungmon. What do you say? That is a significant unusual and barely conceivable clarification for the merriments in this month?

Indeed, perhaps. As I over and over say in my stories in regards to Burma, its kin, their way of life and Buddhism there are regularly unique stories told about a similar thing or occasion and it is in spite of all industriousness troublesome and for the most part difficult to discover reality without target actualities and confirmation. Yet, before you decide let me reveal to you this. I have two very huge and substantial vases with youthful palms before the way to my ground floor condo. At the beginning of today when I left my way to go to the 'mane zay' (morning market) they were vanished. It didn't take me long to comprehend what had happened. I went down the road to the corner and, well, what do you think did I see? Rectify, my palms. There they were. I gave the two young men who happened to be there and grinned at me 200 kyat every (one bun loaded with custard is 150 Kyat, so they will have had a decent breakfast tidbit) and they conveyed the palms back to my entryway. You know what has happened and what that needs to do with the tale about the criminals and the Tazaungdaing celebration? Most likely you won't realize that. In this way, let me reveal to you the story from its starting somewhere in the range of hundred years back.

As indicated by 'Badin sayas' (crystal gazers) every planet speaks to fundamental human drives and each indication of Zodiac speaks to an arrangement of human qualities. Tazaungmon is - so the stargazers told the rulers - the month in which the group of stars and bearing of development of galactic bodies, especially the stars and the moon, twists certain individuals' musings on evil and this is the month in wh

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