الأربعاء، 27 سبتمبر 2017

Hieroglyphic words exist up until now

Hieroglyphic words exist up until now

The antiquated Egyptian progress prospered on the banks of the Nile and in the Delta hinterland for a great many years. Because of the presence of one individuals in a similar place, two individuals existed together. It was important to have one dialect talked by the general population of Egypt communicating this connection and conjunction in all circles of life.

With the information of antiquated Egyptian written work and begin composing what he articulated since around 3200 BC, which prompted the protection of this dialect of the yard recorded on the papers and the dividers of graveyards, sanctuaries, statues and others, which enabled us to know and study.

It is interesting and one of a kind that this old Egyptian dialect, which has been utilized for a huge number of years and regardless of the utilization of antiquated Egyptians for some dialects took after the period, for example, Greek and Arabic and reluctantly in a few periods Persian and Turkish, however some vocabulary and phrasing of this old Egyptian dialect did not vanish and stayed solid Retaining its structure more than five thousand years, and still remains so far in the names of a few urban communities or names or acts are numerous


"Egypt" is the name of the nation, and it is one of the most established names propelled by the general population of Egypt to their nation alongside numerous different names at times, yet the name "Egypt" is the most grounded so far a huge number of years back.

"Egypt" signifies "old" (constrained) or "restricted" or "constrained". The constrained land between the Eastern Desert, the Western Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea in the north is characterized, restricted or constrained, comprising of two sections: (M) and "ger" or "grind". The principal letter (m) is a thing related with the significance of "hmm" or "ger" signifying "confine". It has been specified in many records and compositions, both in the letters or in the Scriptures, as they show up in the Torah (Egypt - Photographer - Masarim) and in Syriac writings (Masreen) (Egypt - Egypt) and in the Holy Quran (Egypt) and in the content of Arami (Mazra - Egyptian).

It is the name given to the nation from the people groups of the East, dissimilar to "Igbit" known to the people groups of the West. Egypt's statement for the nation has not lost its place for a great many years right up 'til the present time.

2 - Answer

It is the official name of Egypt in outside dialects where "Egypt" is not utilized as is known in Arabic. Be that as it may, we discover them in the English dialect "EGYPT" and the Italian "EGITTO" and the German "EGYPTEN" AGIPTEN and Spanish "EGIPTO" and all got from the inception in the Latin dialect "Epipetos" and exchanged from the Greek starting point utilized and propelled by the Greeks on "Egypt" after the expansion of characters Waw and Sina. In the antiquated Egyptian dialect, the old Egyptians trusted that the place where there is Egypt showed up and developed toward the start of creation, a reference to the presence of the place where there is Egypt in the wake of being overflowed by the surge waters each year.

The old Egyptian trusted that the making of the universe or Egypt started with water speaking to a wide sea. Sooner or later, the place that is known for Egypt seemed high or more the slope, the lotus blooms developed. Iota, the goddess of the divine beings, rose as an indication of the rise of the place where there is Egypt after the surge. Furthermore, begin the development of the land, they propelled on the place where there is Egypt, "Ajibti" and significance the everlasting sea and after that include gentility and stamp the designation of land.

The Egyptians additionally approached the Valley and the Delta the name "Igbit", which is as yet utilized today


Fayoum is a city found southwest of Cairo, more than 100 km, additionally called the area and the starting point of "Fayoum" an old Egyptian word comprising of three areas.

The main syllable "AL" is the Arabic dialect meaning of the protest and the second syllable "A", which is decreased in articulation to be an open inquiry. It is the device of definition in the old Egyptian dialect of the manly particular signifying "AL" as in the Arabic dialect. "Day" is a word in the old Egyptian dialect signifying "ocean" or "lake" as it shows up in the Holy Quran "and we said it in the sky".

Since the city is neighboring Lake Qarun, the name was called "Bayoum" for the sake of the ocean or lake, and "Ba" was changed to "Fa" and progressed toward becoming "Fayoum" in a similar sense.

At the Arab triumph, the Arabs included the meaning of "Al" to "Fayoum", which interprets as "the ocean"


A city situated in the west of the delta, the capital of the region of the lake and the word Damanhur is right now utilized is the name of Pharaoh beginning comprises of three areas the principal "dolls" and significance in the old Egyptian dialect "city" and the second "N" Nun is an instrument include the feeling of "acquiescence" The name of the god "Hor" or "Horus", as articulated in Greek and the most well known child of the machine "Osiris" is the importance of the name in the antiquated Egyptian dialect (the city of Horus) and lessened H in the name "Hor" and moved toward becoming "Hor" (Puppets - N - Hour) turned after some time to (Damanhur), which is as yet utilized up until now


Aswan, a name called Aswan Governorate in southern Egypt and the city of Aswan, the capital. The name "Aswan" is an old Egyptian name of the starting point of "Swan" without the thousands signifies "advertise" as this city with its unmistakable area in southern Egypt and contiguous Nubia was an antiquated exchange community for the trading of Egyptian merchandise and results of horticultural products and material textures. Rather than the Nubian results of ivory, creatures, calfskin and different merchandise. As a business focus, the antiquated Egyptians called "Swan" and afterward included the letter of the thousand to be "Aswan", which has been utilized for a great many years


Minya is a name called Minya governorate in the focal point of Upper Egypt and the capital of the territory and called the Upper Egypt and the word Minya of old Egyptian source. "Khufu" was prohibited as this territory was allotted by King Khufu, the second ruler of the fourth Dynasty, the old state around 2640 BC, to his mom, who breast fed him and raised him and gave him back the city.

The name was later changed in the Greek-Roman period in the Egyptian dialect as specified in the report "Mina" in the break of the Mim and after that in the Islamic time it turned into the "Menia of the Fule" in connection to Sheik Al-Fulei, one of the guardians God at that point turned the name at long last to "Minya" right now.


Memphis is the name of the city of Memphis, the capital of Egypt after the unification between the North and the South by King Narmer. It kept on being the capital of Egypt from 3200 to 2200 BC. This is the name in English. There are 17 urban communities in the United States. The name, most vital Memphis city significant.

This name "Memphis" is initially Greek got from an old Egyptian root of "Nefir" signifying "wonderful impact" after the expansion of the Seine, as is normal in the Greek dialect. This name was initially called "Enb-Hajj" signifying "white divider". The beginning of this name is the development of a divider around the city on the north, west and south sides. It was painted in white and the name kept on being utilized all through the verifiable ages from the First Dynasty to the Sixth Dynasty The principal "Beppe" was the name of "Nefir", and the Greeks in the Greco-Roman time moved to Memphis. The city is currently a little town of Giza governorate and is called "a prisoner dead."


Ashmounin, one of the urban communities of Minya area now, and this name is gotten from the antiquated Egyptian root of "Khmno", which was known as the city and the focal point of love God "Thuti" and spoke to as monkey "Divine force of astuteness and composing and count.

What's more, "Khmno" which means the eighth or eight or No. 8, where it ended up noticeably celebrated in the Egyptian teaching of an uncommon hypothesis of the making of the universe, and this hypothesis depends on the making of the world and the universe begin with eight divine beings are four sets male and female.

At that point "Khmno" in the antiquated Egyptian dialect progressed toward becoming "Shamno" in the Coptic dialect and in Arabic it turned into the Ashmounin, which is as yet utilized as of not long ago.

9. Saqqara

Saqqara, a standout amongst the most celebrated names of archeological locales in Egypt and situated on the area of Giza and 19 km south of the pyramids of Giza. Saqqara was an illustrious graveyard for the rulers of the old state in Pharaonic Egypt from 2700 to 2200 BC. It was utilized all through the Pharaonic period, until its end, and amid the Greek, Roman, Islamic, and present day times. It was found northwest of the capital "Memphis" or "Memphis" by one kilometer. Ruler "Zoser" was the primary lords of the old state and first utilized the territory to manufacture its pyramid gathering, which incorporates the pyramid and the principal utilization of stone in development. The name Saqqara is an old Egyptian starting point, alluding to "sugar" by the consideration of Sein, the name of the neighborhood lord of the locale. The name was then converted into Saqqara in Arabic

10. Abu Sir

Abu Sir, which is found south of Giza pyramids around 5 km, a focal point of love of the sun and its sanctuaries and the pyramids of the rulers of the fifth family in the old state.

"Abu Sir" is gotten from the old Egyptian birthplace (Bo-Osir) in the feeling of (the place of Ozer) the divine force of the other world in old Egypt, where this locale was a vital focus of love of this god before the thriving and the rise of the love of the sun in God "Ra" a similar name (Bo - Osir), which swung to Abi Sir in present day times after the expansion of a thousand to "Bo" to be Abu and Ozer swung to end up plainly the word Abu Sir


Desert garden, an antiquated Egyptian word was propelled on the little territories of the betray and situated amidst the forsake by a few wells of groundwater, and watered by little agrarian ranges and occupied by the groups and little urban communities and close-by huge regions of little towns.

In the western forsake of Egypt there are six desert gardens, the biggest of which is Fayoum Oasis, at that point Siwa Oasis, at that point the Marine, Farafra, and Dakhla Oasis and Al-Kharja.

These desert springs are situated in the governorates of Egypt, Siwa, Marsa Matruh, Fayoum, Fayoum, El-Baharia, Giza, Farafra, Dakhla and Al-Kharja.

It was brought in Ancient Egypt "desert springs" and after that died down to be a desert garden, as it is presently articulated


Moses, a name that was propelled by Pharaoh Egypt Ramses II on the little kid, which was found by his better half and after that brought up in his castle and later turned into the prophet of God, peace arrive.

The offspring of an Israeli family lived in Egypt close Bar Ramsis, the capital of Egypt, amid the rule of King Ramses II, which he worked for himself to spend the mid year months when the Egyptian capital of Taiba was exceptionally hot. ).

"Moses" comprises of two sections: the primary "Mo" which means water or water and the second (SA) which means the child of the word Moses implies the child of water to discover this youngster in the water did not demonstrate the name of his dad


C, a title still utilized as a part of Egypt and goes before the name of the man to pay tribute to him and respect the proprietor of the name. The expansion of C before the name of the individual communicates the veneration and regard particularly among the classes of common individuals right up 'til today.

This title is not of Arabic, but rather it is of unadulterated Egyptian birthplace. It was called "man" in the antiquated Egyptian dialect (c) signifying "man" and its client stayed all through the historical backdrop of Egypt and through its diverse ages. His class is terminated on the man. It is stated: Si Mohammed and Si Ahmed.

14. ST

Six, a title that is as yet utilized as a part of Egypt between the classes of common individuals, and is quick to discuss a lady, with a societal position as an outflow of regard, adoration and respect.

"Six" is not identified with the Arabic dialect from close or far. It is an antiquated Egyptian word meaning an ace or a lady. And after that turned through the ages, both Pharaonic and Greek Roman and afterward amid the Islamic ages and until the point that present day times and contemporary to the title is not just gone before by the name of ladies worship and regard for them, says six or Hassan or six Soad, which is as yet utilized up until this point

15. Mother

The mother of this title or title once in a while in the Egyptian dialect was initially Pharaonic from "death" and the T was decreased to wind up "Moh" or "Mah" and called each ace to have kids.

At the point when her youngsters call her, as is going on now in rustic and mainstream ranges, both in the north and south of the nation, for example, Yamah, Yam and Ama, which are all gotten from the antiquated Egyptian root,

We additionally discover them in outside dialects, spoke to in English (mother) and additionally in Chinese (Mama), German (Motter) and so on. Which are all of one cause. This is an extraordinary confirmation that every individual fabricated Adam from one father and each talks it in its nearby tongue

16. Samir

Samir or Samar, which is generally exchanged Egypt, not at all like whatever remains of the Arab nations amongst men and ladies is initially an antiquated Egyptian word meaning wolves, holy people, guardian angels or companions.

The name Samir or Samar, regardless of whether got from the word (Samar) Pharaonic, which was initially utilized as a formula, not a name and after that handed over the advanced time to a name called men, a Samir and for ladies Samar

17. Decent

Decent and this name is called to a few men in Egypt is not an Arab name, but rather it is utilized. We locate that one of the lords of Egypt amid the time of the Fifth Dynasty - the old state around 2700 - 2200 BC. It might be called this name and is the proprietor of a popular pyramid found south of King Zoser gather in Saqqara zone south of Giza.

This name (Nice) implies in the old Egyptian dialect, the samir, the companion, which is a similar significance in the Egyptian dialect additionally, which is as yet utilized up until this point

18. Crocodile

Crocodile The Arabic word utilized today, called the celebrated creature, was not initially Arabic or Arabic. The Arabian and Arabian Peninsula did not see or manage this sort of creature, so they didn't have any acquaintance with it in spite of the presence of waterways in the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula in the north, for example, Tigris, Euphrates, Ossay and Jordan, yet they all did not live in this kind of creatures. In Egypt, we find that this creature was developing and developing in the Nile valley toward the north and south, so we find that the antiquated Egyptian when he needed to qualify this creature called the word (overview) as in this creature, who worked in Egypt for fear and moved toward becoming communities for adore in Fayoum Kom Imbo and called this slaves (Subk) turned into a vast piece of the old Egyptian tenet. Yet, he didn't venerate for every specie, except he picks one creature and whatever is left of the species is called (overview), however the apparatus definition is (ta) ladylike turns into the word (Tamas) which means crocodile.

At the point when the Arabs opened Egypt and saw this creature, they included the Arabic definition device (Al) to end up plainly the word crocodile comprising of three segments (not clearing) and importance the crocodile subsequent to including two instruments for the primary meaning of Arabic and the second Egyptian old to the source of the word (overview). It is as yet utilized up until this point.

19 - Ass (Aa)

The old Egyptian knew the jackass as a pet and utilized it in his day by day life, particularly in the field with the agriculturist. The stallion was not known until 1675 BC with the passage of the Hyksos.

The creature has been called "An" and has been utilized all through history. With the presentation of the Arabic dialect after the opening of Egypt in 640 AD, "jackass" was utilized and "A" turned into a client's notice gadget for the creature, tending to it as it is currently in all of Egypt, "Ya Yammar". "Still utilized today

20 - Cat "garments"

The feline showed up in old Egypt from the soonest ages, and this creature was adored and recognizable to the old Egyptians. The Delta in northern Egypt saw an inside for worshiping the feline as its god for no particular reason, joy, love and music. It was called Bastet, Basta or Bastet, It was worn and utilized for customized structure in Egypt and moved to some outside nations as it is presently in the English dialect "Bossi Cat".

21-The group of "Jetah"

The antiquated Egyptian called the human body of the name "khat" or "ghat" all through the pharaonic circumstances and was once in a while articulated "Fly" and has been utilized so far by the expression "body" any human body known in Arabic dialect body or body, either, "his body "It is from the first" khat "or" ghat "in the old Egyptian dialect

22. Shouna

The old Egyptian, particularly in the wide open, was propelled to protect the grain of wheat, which has been utilized till now for the preservation of different horticultural yields. In the Arabic dialect it is called storehouses - grain stores or horticultural yields.

23 - given - my hand

This word in the Arabic conversational dialect in Egypt is "hand-driven drove" and its vocabulary and utilized so far among the Egyptians in the feeling of "given" or "give" which is initially similar to in the antiquated Egyptian dialect "d" . Now and again, "Rada" is composed and spoken to by the letter "Ra'a" in the Egyptian dialect, and after that an arm with a hand showing something of delicate and some of the time without the words "D".

24 - another - fell

A word falling in the Egyptian dialect by its equivalent word, for example, (falls - falls on the ground - the side interest) gives the significance of tumbling through and through and the old Egyptian was communicated by "Khar" was spoken to by a man falling all over and hands alongside his head flagged the full fall.

She moved to Arabic as an equivalent word for a falling word, saying "the man left before the lord" or "the water fell on the ground" ... and so on, which is as yet utilized today.

25 - pulls - draws in

"Tight" and utilized among Egyptians now in the feeling of "pulling in" in the Arabic dialect or taking it emphatically, is as yet used right up 'til today in the Egyptian everyday dialect in a similar sense and communicated by the antiquated Egyptian signifying "take away" or "drag" with a similar articulation "fix".

26. Lipan - shows up

In Arabic, this word is communicated in words, for example, "sparkling", "showing up", "yajlo". It is initially an Egyptian word in the antiquated Egyptian dialect where we discover "child" and "child" signifying "sparkling" or "showing up" and still utilized among the Egyptians up until now.

27 - Die - and kick the bucket

The word demise in the feeling of death and the demonstration of "kicking the bucket" of the first "passing" in the old Egyptian dialect with the letter Mim and Walt after the consideration of Mim and alloted to this word speaks to a man, and fell on the ground and hands by the head, which mirrors the passing and passing, in opposition to words that express life and development captured The man strolls or stands.

It is a similar word in Arabic which is as yet utilized.


It is an antiquated Egyptian word that was utilized to express the importance of "howling" in something or captivating something or uncovering something which is additionally present in the Arabic dialect in a similar sense and originates from the vocabulary of the speaker and the nemima which is as yet utilized up until this point.


The old Egyptian utilized the verb "ma'a" in the feeling of seeing or finding in Arabic and in Arabic when the expression of the word is intended to be precisely and deliberately utilized, a demonstration that investigates, looks, examines or investigates something.

In the antiquated Egyptian dialect, the verb "saw" was articulated, and "ma'a" was articulated and behind it the eye was committed to seeing.

It is as yet utilized as a part of the basic dialect right up 'til the present time

30 - With you

"You" in Arabic signifies "you" or "in your ownership", comprising of a letter of drag with the consonant pronoun or any pronoun that is initially because of a semi-sentence in the antiquated Egyptian dialect. A human arm + inner voice of the recipient k. It implies in your arm any with you or your partners, which is a similar word and importance and elocution in the Arabic dialect.

31 - as indicated by

"As" in the old Egyptian dialect signifies "checking" or including things, as arithmetic, which is an Egyptian word that has moved to the Arabic dialect and the equivalent words have showed up.

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