الأربعاء، 27 سبتمبر 2017

Passing and post-existence in the period of the Pharaohs

Passing and post-existence in the period of the Pharaohs

The old Egyptian lived for more than 40 thousand years on the banks of the Nile River, in the wake of being transported in the backwoods of Egypt amid the stone ages, which reaches out to more than 700 thousand years BC, where he lived in versatile gatherings live on what is rich and rich in the Egyptian condition Where these ages saw a rain-encouraged atmosphere that served to re-build up woods as it is presently in the tropics.

Toward the finish of the stone ages, this atmosphere transformed into a time of dry spell. These backwoods and green regions slowly moved toward becoming deserts that secured a large portion of the Egyptian terrains and started to characterize the momentum land highlights of Egypt and farthest point the green regions on the Nile Valley as the principle wellspring of water in Egypt. This Nile valley from the south toward the north conveys with it the sediment, abandoning it right and left and making a ripe valley, which called the old Egyptian versatile to settle and perpetual living arrangement by the waterway, which set up old human advancements and progressive ages until the beginnings of the uncle And present day stone and ancient circumstances and before the families and after that verifiable circumstances. This strength helped the antiquated Egyptian to reflect on his condition, his life and his future.

A standout amongst the most critical things that filled the Egyptian bull was the finish of his natural life and passing was the main truth in his life. Each individual must have an end, in particular, passing, which is communicated in the Egyptian dialect as a demise by a man's sanctification, lying on an expansive face on the ground.

What's more, frequently ask what is passing? What's more, what after death? Is it the finish of the primary life? Or, on the other hand the start of another life, the appropriate response has been found from the encompassing condition. He found the appropriate response without asking her. He permitted him solidness in the wake of meandering, the chance to reflect, and found that the sun and stars and the moon show up, at that point vanish and after that show up and vanish in consistent scenes, and the Nile River streams yearly and afterward settle, and after that restricted, at that point floods again et cetera. And also plant and develop, at that point win and afterward develop again and furthermore served to this disclosure of horticulture, where he sees the seed grows a tree and after that give seed and plant it and give a tree et cetera.

He likewise contrasted himself with the components around him. It is a standout amongst the most critical components of the earth. She thinks about whether he could have a moment begin after death. He started to create impression of this life. He understood that there is posthumous life and this life is inescapable, however in the meantime he found that the body died after death, so he considered how he would live again without a body, so it was important to safeguard this body, its material encapsulation.

After numerous unsuccessful endeavors, he prevailing with regards to achieving the way toward preserving the body which was a standout amongst the most vital funerary traditions, particularly amid the authentic ages. He saw that the body is the significance of the second life, as well as the spirit, Khat), the spirit is the power inborn in the body, which is the motor that is relinquished after death. Here is the subject of how the old Egyptian came to realize that each body has a soul? He didn't see earlier or after right up 'til today a soul that leaves the body, which is said in the Holy Qur'an, "And they get some information about the Spirit, Say: It is from the Lord's order".

The spirit is a secret that God has not seen. How did the Egyptian realize that there is a spirit for the body? The first of them was "Seth" child of "Adam" peace arrive and "Ibrahim" and his child "Ismail" and wedded to Egypt and after that "Jacob" and his youngsters, including "Joseph" and after that "Moses" God favor them all tranquility of God. Notwithstanding these missionaries and calling them to the love of the one God Sunday there was another source reaching out to Adam, peace arrive, the father of men, passing a great many generations of antiquated Egyptians, numerous convictions about death and number juggling and the other world, however after some time molded by old Egyptian style and technique.

He realized that there was the soul of the purported "Ba", which leaves the body after death and climbs to paradise. Which he called to be exemplified as a flying creature or a green fledgling with the leader of the expired, and conveys a face, yet where is this soul heading? It is contained in all the great religions.

The old Egyptian concentrated the sky precisely, watching its stars and drawing its popular cosmic circle. Yet, he saw that the North Polar Star is the center and focus of the sky and is circled by systems, stars and planets. It is a thought that the solidness of this star and its difference set up, while all stars spin around it, is an image of endlessness and mockery. . I believe that the spirits rise to the sky to this star and after that arrival to the bodies again to live once more.

I additionally trust that the name of the expired must be spared as the name, which was called (Ren) some portion of the element of the perished known for the duration of his life, it must be safeguarded was recorded outside and inside the graveyard and on the caskets inside and outside, and additionally the memorial service furniture and ensemble for instance The King (Tutankhamun).

The old Egyptian likewise dealt with the heart and called it "Ib" and the core of the most vital individuals from the human body required forever and was enthusiastic about the old Egyptian after the demise to expel from the bosoms and Tahnitah, and after that returned back to his place with chest once more. As a result of his conviction that the wellspring of good and the wellspring of fiendishness in the human through which the individual knows the legitimacy or debasement and through the heaviness of the heart amid the trial of the perished before "Osiris," the Lord of the other world as per the Egyptian confidence, is to know his destiny Paradise or fire, as the heart is the person who cherishes him Who conveys the scorn or love.

I believe that great or awful works originate from the heart, yet that the heart is the holder that contains the terrible deeds of the person and turns out to be substantial, as we say these days: "dark heart" or "heart stone", and when measuring the adjust puts the heart in the sleeve while the other sleeve The image of God (Maat), the goddess of equity and the premium and the image of badminton, if this adjusted heart is equivalent to this image is viewed as light, free of sins and sins, the destiny of the proprietor of the heaven, which is called "Yarrow" fields of the lord of the other world Osiris, appreciate and cheer in that. In any case, if the heart is substantial, it is loaded with sins and sins.

Which was captured in the state of a fire lake encompassed by a thick dark divider that has no entryway and is encompassed by many cobra snakes, and another divider on its four sides is an indication of flame or damnation. The four corners of four watchmen are spoken to by four monkeys sitting on seats to keep The escape of the heathens, as they endeavored to escape in the wake of being tossed into damnation. This is the inverse of heaven, which they called "Yarrow", which was spoken to by underground waterways with greenhouses and eyes for water and others, where the honest appreciate a wide range of sustenance and drink, where they were captured and before them the tables of offerings and like they furrowing the fields of "Yarrow" and living in peace with the divine beings.

Whatever remains of the organs, comprising of the liver, digestion tracts, stomach and lungs, were removed from the body and embalmed and kept in extraordinary vessels called Canopic vessels in connection to the city of Canopus close Alexandria, and secured with the substance of the expired, and afterward spoke to the leaders of the four children of Horus, - Dawa Moutf - Habi - Amisti), while the expulsion of the eyes from the face and also the mind was extricated through the opening of the nose and a gap in the highest point of the skull.

Between the demise and the trial before the "Ozer" the Lord of the Other World there is simply the grave arranged by the expired for himself before death and went between little internment rooms and rooms, porches and pyramids, the shape varied, however the objective is one of saving the body after death from harm. What's more, we find that this tomb was given false entryways enhancing the upper parts of the tomb, which is likewise called the entryways of the spirits are spoken to in stone or wood to frame the entryways recorded photos of the perished tomb proprietor and his names and titles,

The reason for this is to encourage the spirit to know the tomb of her body, and afterward enter it into the grave, and afterward to the well that is associated with the internment chamber. This is the thing that the antiquated Egyptian painted with his turn in the papyri of "the dead" and what is in the other world A green fowl with the leader of the memorial park dives to the internment chamber to come back to its body to live once more.

The entryways of the souls are additionally beautified with the scenes of blessings and offerings, and their appearances are coordinated into the entryways of the souls, where the spirit exits during the evening to get these endowments as the antiquated Egyptian accepted.

In any case, what is the possibility of the Egyptian about the nearness of the perished in the grave and how to receive in return, where the conservation of the dead inside the pine box in the internment chamber? By what means will he receive in return?

The old Egyptian trusted that the tomb was a brief home for a constrained timeframe. The tomb was thought to be his other home. For impermanent living arrangement, it was important to furnish the grave with every one of that was required and utilized as a part of its natural life. Khufu ", 2620 BC, contains its furniture from Nemosia, a bed, a seat, boxes of gems, dishes and a table, and in addition the tomb of Tutankhamun with all its furniture, utensils, utensils, and so forth and every one of that was utilized as a part of the other world. Brief living arrangement.

At the point when the spirit comes back to the body, the dead man will be renewed and as a living being, he should utilize these things. He will go out around evening time to get what he has given him. At that point he will return to eat his grave and eat and drink, yet how he will rise up out of the box. He trusted that with enchantment control he would open the casket and in addition the tomb to go to the next world

Be that as it may, what after this impermanent remain? The old Egyptian trusted that there was a moment of retribution in the kingdom of Ozer, the Lord of the Other World. He would then go out to this trial, which is set before him and headed by Ozer, where his heart is said something balance by Horus and Anubis, Maat "where the heart is set in the cusp and the image of right and equity in the sleeve is the quill or the image of the divine beings" Maat "and if the weight is indistinguishable, this shows the guiltlessness of the perished sins

The heaviness of his heart implies the judgment of transgression. For this situation, the heart is swung to the "amoe", which is the core of the heart, a crocodile, a lion, and the back of the ocean. This implies the perished has lost his life, either the ocean or the waterway, and on the ground there is no space to spare his life. The body is tossed into the pool of flame.

Consequently, we find that the subject of death and post-passing was commanded by the brain and psyche of the old Egyptian. Crafted by thought, examination and creative ability, which portrayed his creative ability every one of these convictions that he recorded on every one of its belongings, both papyrus in what was known as "the Book of the Dead" and " In the Other World "and" Gates ". And in addition the parts of boxes and graveyards and in addition the traditions and conventions of the entombment and past.

Lastly settled on that his natural life is quite recently the start of his everlasting endless life in the other world

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