الجمعة، 9 فبراير 2018

British Colonial Rangoon

Hi and hello. I seek you are prepared after our the present 'English Colonial Rangoon Sight Seeing'.

The majority of the pioneer structures we will visit are situated in downtown Yangon, as such, previous British Colonial Rangoon appropriate, and are situated generally near each other. The basic coarseness example of the city's format makes it simple to discover ones path around. That is the reason the most ideal approach to investigate Colonial Rangoon is by foot. Another purpose behind strolling as opposed to utilizing an auto is that the changeless congested roads and an incessant absence of parking spot around there makes the auto being more revile than gift. We can't and require not to see every single pioneer working for this would be much a lot for one day and this article. The visit I have made arrangements for now incorporates 30 noteworthy structures that bear declaration to Rangoon's available days Yangon's brilliant provincial past. Every one of them have a place with the most valuable gems of British Colonial Rangoon's fortune trove. Also, it would be ideal if you on the off chance that you need to help yourself out make a lot of photographs of them since it will be the last time that you have the opportunity to see the structures as they seem to be. In the not so far future there will a yet obscure number of them be totally vanished, completely keep running down or 'reestablished' in a way that leaves nothing of their incompletely as yet existing, take off alone previous, frontier enchant. We will obviously observe a considerable measure of other mostly still delightful old provincial structures that have intriguing stories to advise yet need to keep focussed on those I have chosen for our visit; we will generally be excessively occupied and not prepare today. It would be ideal if you remain nearby together, personality your means and don't stray from the gathering. Alright, the beginning stage of our stroll through British Colonial Rangoon will be the previous Rangoon General Hospital. From that point we proceed to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, situated in coordinate neighborhood of the Scott Market, at that point to the previous Burmah Railways Headquarters, the previous Rangoon Railway Station, et cetera. When we land at the structures I will give you some related fundamental data. There is obviously a horrendous part more to say in regards to the structures and their history however this article does not give enough space to every one of these points of interest. Promote imperative data identified with this you will discover toward the finish of this article.

General Hospital

Along these lines, women and courteous fellows, now we have touched base at the Yangon, in the past (Rangoon) General Hospital where our the present 'Pioneer Yangon Sight Seeing Tour' starts. We are here on Bogyoke Aung San Road, the previous Commissioner's Road. Before us you can see on the opposite side of the street the Hospital, worked from 1899 to 1905 and opened on 07 May that year. It is here were Aung San - who was hospitalized to be dealt with for the wounds he maintained in 1942 amid the Burma Campaign - meets his later spouse Daw Khin Kyi who serves here as senior medical attendant. Later their third youngster will be a little girl, which they will give the name Aung San Su Kyi. The Yangon General doctor's facility additionally is the site were Burmese officers confer a slaughter amid the uprising in 1988 by unpredictably executing countless persistence, since they trust that said tolerance have maintained their injuries amid the showings. If it's not too much trouble make now your photographs and let us at that point proceed with eastwards on Aung San Road (previous Commissioner's Road) to the Holy Trinity Cathedral at the side of Aung San Road (previous Montgomery Road) and Shwedagon Pagoda Road, the previous Pagoda Road. Presently you are confounded about the road names? All things considered, this side of Aung San Road is the previous Commissioner's Road and from the cross-streets at the church building on it is the previous Montgomery Road.

Church building Of The Holy Trinity

Directly before us we have now the essential Anglican church in Burma; the Holy Trinity Cathedral on No. 446 Bogyoke Aung San Road. It is one of Rangoon's soonest provincial structures. The Holy Trinity Cathedral is on the Yangon Heritage List. Presently the time has come to proceed onward to the previous Scott Market, now Bogyoke Aung San Market. Its fundamental passageway is around 500 feet/155 meters down Aung San Road from here eastern way. We will be there in almost no time.

Scott Market

Presently we have achieved the fundamental access to the long focus lobby of the Scott Market at Bogyoke Aung San Road (previous Montgomery Road), since 1948 called Bogyoke Market (by local people Bogyoke (zay significance showcase), after the Burmese national saint Bogyoke (General) Aung San. Not generally known is that his genuine name (original name) was Htein Lin; Aung San is the name he has taken on at the time he was understudy pioneer. The market is based on the premises of a previous cable car end, was opened in 1926 and named after Mr. Garvin Scott, who was from 1917 to 1930 (17 years) Chief Executive Officer of the Rangoon Corporation and amid his residency twice leader of the Rangoon Municipality.

The Bogyoke Aung San Market is on the Yangon Heritage List. Alright, we should proceed with our visit. When we escape the market we take a left on the Aung San Road, and pass the FMT building and the Zawgyi Restaurant. At that point we will see the Grand May Yaa Hta Executive Residence building and our real purpose of intrigue, the previous Burma Railways Headquarters at the side of Aung San Road and Sule Pagoda Road.

Previous Burma Railways Headquarters

Here it is, the previous Burma Railways Headquarters building complex at the edge of previous Montgomery Road, now Aung San Road and Sule Pagoda Road. In 1896 three railroad organizations converged into one rail route organization under contract with the Secretary of State for India; the state-possessed 'Burmah Railways Company' has appeared and moves into this new central command.

Focal Railway Station

Presently we are on Sule Pagoda Road and over yonder on the correct side you would already be able to see the railroad tracks and the rear of the rail route station. Before us on the opposite side of the scaffold on which we are currently strolling you see the Methodist Church (Scots Kirk) and over yonder on the correct hand side the Aung San Sports Grounds and Stadium. Give us now a chance to take a right hand turn into Kun Chan Road and take a gander at the railroad station from its front side. We keep on phayre Street now Pansodan Street; the stairs there before us pave the way to the fly-over. On Pansodan Street we turn right, cross the scaffold, keep on bogyoke Aung San Road, turn left, and take after the Aung San Road till Bo Aung Kyaw Road, previous Sparks Road. There at the side of Bo Aung Kyaw Road and Aung San Road is the St. Mary's Cathedral found, which is our next British pilgrim purpose of intrigue.

St. Mary's Cathedral/Cathedral Of Our Lady Of Immaculate Conception

All things considered, my companions, this was a significant little walk yet we have made it. Here you see Myanmar's biggest church building, the Saint Mary's Cathedral at No. 372, Bo Aung Kyaw Street. We will now cross the Archbishop's Residence compound situated behind the basilica's compound. They have an extremely decent garden and the Archbishop's Residence is a wonderful building. It is regularly not permitted to take along these lines keeping in mind the end goal to get to Thein Byu Road, the previous Judah Ezekiel Road, yet I know a few people here and we can for once utilize this easy route. Along these lines, we have crossed the Archbishop's Residence compound and are remaining before it on Thein Byu Road. We turn right and a couple of steps additionally down the road you can see one of the games grounds of the previous St. Paul's English High School. At the corner we turn right again onto the previous Frazer/Bigandet Street, now Anawrahta Road from which we will see the school's fundamental passageway and primary building.

St. Paul's English High School/B.E.H.S. 6 Botataung

We are before the previous St. Pauls English High School. The previous St. Paul's English High School is on the Yangon Heritage List. We should proceed to the previous Secretariat Building inverse of the fundamental access to the previous St. Paul's High School. Simply cross the previous Dalhousie Street, now Maha Bandoola Road and make some photographs from the school. At that point we walk the couple of yards back to the cross streets, turn right and stroll down Thein Byu Road, the previous Judah Ezekiel Road, nearby the Secretariat Building till we achieve its principle entrance.

Secretariat Building

So we are presently at the corner Maha Bandoola Road and Thein Byu Road. The working over yonder on the opposite side of Thein Byu Road is the previous British Government Press Building on No. 228 Thein Byu Road.. All things considered, here we are presently; on previous Judah Ezekiel Road, now at No. 300 Thein Byu Road before the fundamental access to the Secretariat Building. It is without question previous Rangoon's biggest and most marvelous and amazing British frontier building filling the space of a whole square. The Secretariat is flanked here in the east by the previous Judah Ezekiel Road, now Thein Byu Road, left from us, in the south, by the previous Dalhousie Street, now Maha Bandoola Road, ideal from us, in the north, by the previous Bigandet Street, now Anawrahta Road and as an afterthought inverse from us, the west, by the previous Sparks Street, now Bo Aung Kyaw Street. The development starts in 1889 and the main stage is finished in 1902; the second is finished in 1905 and 'The Secretariat' is authoritatively opened that year. After freedom on 4 January 1948 the building houses workplaces of pastors of the Burmese government for which reason it is from 1948 to 1972 by local people called Government Secretariat and from1972 on till now Ministers' Office. In any case, it isn't just the way that 'The Secretariat' is the place from which all of British Burma was administered and all regulatory power is executed that makes it such an enormously critical piece of Burmese history; it likewise is the place were on 19 July 1947 at 10:30 am the true head administrator Aung San was killed in the ground floor room at the north-east corner of the building together with 6 priests of his cupboard. The room in which Aung San and the individuals from his bureau were assas

Strand Hotel

We have made it and are currently remaining at No. 92 Strand Road before the renowned Strand Hotel, which got its name from the road on which it is found. From the engineering perspective the working as it presents itself before us has tragically lost quite a bit of its unique magnificence and it isn't any longer the glossy design diamond it used to be amid Rangoon's provincial period when it was one of the celebrated lavish lodgings of the Sarkies Brothers inn network of top notch inns. Be that as it may, inferable from its name and great past the Strand Hotel stays well worth to be incorporated into a visit through the British Colonial Rangoon. The Strand Hotel is on the Yangon Heritage List.

Bombay-Burmah Trading Corporation Building

Here it is, the these days rather immaterial looking working over yonder on the opposite side of the Strand Road on No. 104 Strand Road is the previous headquarter of an organization that has assumed a massively critical part in Burma's history; the Bombay-Burmah Trading Corporation Limited. This building is finished around the 1920s and I couldn't discover where the BBTC's prior Rangoon office was. The organization is otherwise called Bombay Burmah Trading Company and was established by the Wallace Brothers from Edinburgh, Scotland. After Burma Airways (now Myanmar Airways) is established the organization moves into this building and uses it as office. The Building isn't on the Yangon City Heritage List. How about we go to the working nearby crosswise over 37th Street.

Port Authority/Port Trust Authority Building

This is the Rangoon Port Authority building adjoining the Bombay-Burma Trading Corporation Building. It is situated at No. 2-20 Pansodan Street ( corner of previous Phayre Road, now Pansodan Street and Strand Road). The building replaces the previous Rangoon Port Trust Authority Building and possesses the whole space between Pansodan Road and 37th Street. The building's development is finished in 1928. The building is on the Yangon City Heritage List. We do now cross the Pansodan Road to investigate the previous Accounts General's Office and Currency Department Building.

Record General's Office And Currency Department

Here at No. 1 Pansodan Street (corner of Strand Road and previous Phayre Street, now Pansodan Road) you see the previous government money related focal point of British Burma. Amid the most recent 35 years of British circumstances (with exemption of about 3 years of Japanese occupation) all records concerning the province's pay and use are overseen here). It is the 3-story previous Accounts General's Office and Currency Department Building; one of the huge wheels in the apparatus of British organization. The Account General's Office building is finished in 1912. The building's rear wing on Bank Street situated inverse the working of the previous Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China is lodging the Currency Department and specifically hit by a Japanese bomb. It is never revamp and may fill in as notice case for silly demolition. After Independence the building was utilized by the Burmese government as common court. Since the administration moved to the new capital Nay Pyi Taw the building is as a court and its future stays questionable. We are presently back at the front veneer of the Account General's Office at the passageway situated at the corner tower. The Account General's Office is on the Yangon City Heritage List. The working nearby is the Customs House Building.

Traditions House

This amazing Customs House at No. 132 Strand Road was development from 1913 and is finished in 1915. In October 1915 the building is formally opened and put into benefit. The building still fills its unique need and is on the Yangon Heritage List. Presently let us move a couple of steps more remote down the Strand Road with the goal that we are before the building went out, which is the previous Police Commissioner's Building. The road between these 2 structures is the Maha Bandoola Garden Street and the road on the left hand side of the building is the Sule Pagoda Road.

Police Commissioner's Building

Here we are. The stupendous 5-story Police Commissioner's Building inverse from us is a stone work building built inside very nearly 5 years from 3 March to October 1931 when the building was authoritatively opened and put into benefit. The huge building is possessing the whole space of the square extending from previous Barr Street, now Maha Bandoola Garden Street to Sule Pagoda Road and is including the police chief's workplaces and the New Law Court workplaces, the courts of common and criminal District Court and the Rangoon magistracy. Since November 2005, when the Burmese/Myanmar government moved to Nay Pyi Taw, the building is surrendered. We will now cross the Strand Road and walk northwards along Sule Pagoda Road. The Main access to this building is on the opposite side of the complex on No. 56-66 Bank Street.

Bank Of Bengal Building

Having touched base at the edge of Strand Road and Sule Pagoda Road we have to our left side the premises of the previous Bank of Bengal. This exceptionally excellent building is situated at 15-19 Sule Pagoda Road. It was finished in 1914. It houses now the workplaces of the Myanma Economic Branch 3.

Save Bank Of India Building

We have now proceeded onward to 24-26 Sule Pagoda Road were the previous Reserve Bank of India is found. The building was finished in 1936 and stands corner to corner over the previous Bank of Bengal Building. The building is currently lodging the workplaces of the Central Bank of Myanmar. A couple of steps more remote up on Sule Pagoda Road we have achieved the edge of Sule Pagoda Road and Merchant Street and turn right. Left from us you see the Fytche Square, now Maha Bandoola Garden with the Independence Memorial Monument. We go now finished to the Maha Bandoola Garden side and take a left into the Maha Bandoola Garden Street, the previous Barr Street and proceed to the previous High Court Building on Maha Bandoola Garden Street.

High Court/Supreme Court

We are currently remaining inverse the over 110 years of age Rangoon High Court building's front side at the previous Barr Street, now Maha Bandoola Garden Street. The primary passage is confronting the previous Fytche Square Garden, now Maha Bandoola Garden with the Independence Monument from where we are presently taking a gander at the building. It was (with exemption of the Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945) from 1911 to 1947 home to the most elevated court of British Burma. The previous primary passage on this side is shut. The working's posterior is situated at previous Phayre Road, now No. 89-133 Pansodan Road. The Rangoon High Court is otherwise called Rangoon Chief Court or Supreme Court. The building complex structures like numerous British pilgrim building edifices a square (or option a rectangle) that is encasing an inward court with yard and garden. We should backpedal southerly way towards Merchant Street. We will circumvent the piece to the opposite side of the High Court. Neighboring it is the Rangoon Central Telegraph Office. On our way we will stop at the previous Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Building, the previous Mercantile Bank of India Building and the previous Oppenheimer and Co Building.

Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation Rangoon

Presently we are at the edge of previous Barr Street, now Maha Bandoola Garden Street and Merchant Street. The working at this corner is the previous Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation's (HSBC) Building Rangoon. In the event that you like you can make a photograph. In this way, now we proceed with Merchant Street. The working beside the previous HSBC building is the previous Mercantile Bank Of India Building.

Commercial Bank Of India Building Rangoon

Here we are at No. 554 Merchant Street. Other than that it is in an extremely poor state very little can be said as for this building. Alongside the previous bank building is the previous Oppenheimer Building.

Oppenheimer and Co. Building

We are currently remaining under the colonnade of the previous Oppenheimer and Co Building on No. 556 Merchant Road. We keep on walking westwards on Merchant Street to the following junction Merchant Street and Pansodan Road. There we go left on Pansodan Road and stroll up to the posterior of the previous Rangoon High Court. We have achieved the junction. Before we take a left hand turn into Pansodan we investigate the yellow-beige shaded building slantingly inverse from as. That is the previous Sofaer and Co. Building that was worked in 1906. We should proceed to the previous High Court.

Oriental Life Assurance Building

This is No. 545-547 Merchant Street between 36th Street and Pansodan and the building is the previous Rangoon workplaces of the Calcutta/India based Oriental Life Assurance. The building was finished in 1914 and is in spite of the fact that being 100 years of age at the season of this composition still a genuine gem in the string of provincial structures on Merchant Street. The building is currently involved by the Indian Embassy. It would be ideal if you make your photographs and afterward we proceed with a couple of steps westwards to the intersection Merchant Street and Pansodan Road. There we take a left hand turn on Pansodan Road and stroll up to the posterior of the previous Rangoon High Court.

High Court (Back Side)

We have landed at the rear of the Rangoon High Court on 89-133 Pansodan Street. This building part close by Pansodan Road is more symmetric than the front part on the Maha Bandoola Garden Street side. Rather than the front veneer here the fundamental passage has an immense roofed space outside the primary help dividers of the building (yard) the highest point of which is filling in as a veranda with stone balustrade. Additionally, here the forward looking peak rooftop is brightened with a triangular pediment. Since the High Court is in 2006 moved to the new capital Nay Pyi Taw this building is relinquished. The building is on the Yangon Heritage List. Give us now a chance to investigate the neighboring building, the Rangoon Central Telegraph Office.

Focal Telegraph Office/Government Telegraph Office

Here we are; inverse the previous Government Telegraph Office otherwise called Rangoon Central Telegraph Office these days called Central Telegraph Office. It is situated at No. 125-133 Pansodan Street (corner of previous Dalhousie Road, now Maha Bandoola Road and previous Phayre Road, now Pansodan Road) and another great case for the magnificence of Edwardian engineering. The development started in 1913 and the building was finished in 1917. It is a precise of the Government Telegraph Office in Calcutta, now Kolkata/India. The building is on the Yangon Heritage List. Alright, now we turn left and proceed on Maha Bandoola Road to the Sule Pagoda. You would already be able to see the pagoda in front of us. We will go straight to the Sule Pagoda in light of the fact that from that point we have a decent take a gander at the last pilgrim structures of our visit.

We have touched base on previous Fytche Square with our backs swung to the Sule Pagoda directly behind us and have really achieved the finish of our 'Pioneer Rangoon Sight Seeing Tour.

We are currently on previous Fytche Square with the Sule Pagoda directly behind us. To one side is the previous Rangoon City Hall, situated opposite us to one side is the previous Rowe and Co. Working, inverse this building is the Immanuel Baptist Church and on our right side inverse the Maha Bandoola Garden with the Independence Memorial is the previous Fytche Square Building. We begin with the Rangoon City Hall and proceed with clock-wise.

City Hall

This tremendous building complex is remaining at Maha Bandoola Street on the site of the old Rangoon Municipal building, which was considerably littler. It has a fundamentally rectangular floor design situated in east to west course with doors at cut-off corners. The south-west corner is sliced off to change in accordance with the previous Fytche Square shape. The development starts in 1925 and is finished in 1935. In 1936 the Rangoon City Hall is formally opened by the Governor of Burma, His Excellency Sir Archibald Cochrane and is from that point forward filling in as metropolitan building.

Rowe and Co. Building

Inverse the previous Barr Street, now Maha Bandoola Garden Street side of the City Hall you see the previous Rowe and Co. Working at No. 416 Maha Bandoola Road. It is the third and last working of Rowe and Co. in Rangoon. In 1901 this new plot of land at the corner Barr Street, now Maha Bandoola Garden Street and Dalhousie Street, now Maha Bandoola Road is found. The development of the building is finished in 1910.

Immanuel Baptist Church

The first Immanuel Baptist Church building is finished in 1895 and is in this manner one of Rangoon's/Yangon's most established places of worship. The congregation is totally devastated amid the Japanese occupation and this new church building is finished in 1952. It is situated at No. 411 Maha Bandoola Road (corner of previous Barr Street, now Maha Bandoola Garden Street and previous Dalhousie Street, now Maha Bandoola Road). Its primary passageway is confronting the previous Fytche Square, now Sule Pagoda Square. The Immanuel Baptist Church is on the Yangon Heritage List. Give us now a chance to walk a smidgen clock-wise around the Sule Pagoda with a specific end goal to have a superior view on the previous Fytche Square Building.

Fytche Square Building, Sharraz Building

Along these lines, there it is, the 3-story previous Fytche Square Building, otherwise called Sharraz Building. It was finished in 1918 and it is situated at 77-91 Sule Pagoda Road. In 1946 the organizations ceased their organizations and in mid 1947 the building was till 1962 involved by the Civil Supply Board Offices. During the time spent usage of the administrations nationalization program the building was designated to the Trade Corporation and afterward utilized as office of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism till the administration moved to the new capital Nay Pyi Taw. Presently we need to keep strolling clockwise most of the way around the Sule Pagoda so as to see the Sunni Jumah Bengali Mosque..

Sunni Jumah Bengali Mosque

The working over yonder at 93 Sule Pagoda Road is the Sunni Jamah Bengali Mosque. The mosque was established and financed by parts of the group of foreigners from Bengal. Presently, please look upwards Sule Pagoda Road to where I am pointing. You see the dim working with the pinnacle on the left hand side somewhere in the range of 200 yards in front of us? All things considered, that is the Rangoon Municipal Central Fire Station and the last British Colonial Building of our British Colonial Rangoon Sightseeing Tour.

Metropolitan Central Fire Station

This is the Central Fire Station, once in the past the Rangoon Municipality Central Fire Station at 137-139 Sule Pagoda Road. It was finished 1912. In 1883 the Rangoon Municipal Committee had a fire unit built up and began to manufacture fire stations in townships. The highest point of this pinnacle filled in as changeless post for in those days it was conceivable to ignore a wide region in light of the fact that most building were not higher than 2 stories. This fire station is right up 'til the present time - over 100 years after its finish - being used.

I am German by birth yet am living since 25 years in Burma/Myanmar. I know the nation, its kin, its way of life and its history exceptionally well what has made me an expert on Burma. When it is about books on Burma, stay with the master. Subsequent to resigning in 2012 I turned essayist and am composing books on Burma the nation I am special to call home. Kindly do likewise observe my Professional Photos and my profile.

I have distributed a unique version 'English Colonial Rangoon'. In this book I have incorporate 44 provincial structures and educate you widely and nitty gritty concerning them, their planners, their engineering, their history, their previous capacities, their previous proprietors, the proprietors' histories, their future and so on; in a word, the total stories behind the structures

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