الخميس، 28 سبتمبر 2017

Karnak Temple

Karnak Temple 

The sanctuary of Karnak is the biggest sanctuary worked in the old world and the most essential sanctuaries in the Luxor locale, the sanctuary devoted to the god Amun, which started the pharaoh city initially constructed and finished by Ramses II, notwithstanding the sanctuaries, which proceeded until the primary century BC, 1500 years and named after the Islamic triumph .. Where Karnak implies sustained or hippocampal put

The Karnak Temple involves the range of the supposed strengthened town situated in the northern piece of the city of Tiba (Luxor). Karnak is known to be an accumulation of a few sanctuaries that were worked from the eleventh Dynasty in 2134 BC when it was a focal point of Egyptian religion These sanctuaries, encompassed by mud-block dividers, are associated with each other by halls watched by stone monuments on two columns in a sphinx.

The sanctuary of Amun is 140 square meters in measure and has a colossal exhibition with a rooftop more than 122 segments of more than 21 meters and lined in 9 lines. This isn't the engravings on sections, mammoth entryways, and mosquitoes.

This sanctuary was worked to be the home of the "Blessed Trinity of the Lord". This trinity is comprised of the god Amun (signifying "Shrouded"), his significant other "Mut" and their child "Khonsu", the lord of the moon that crosses the sky. Their official home was the sanctuary of Karnak, and afterward he saw that another sanctuary was being worked in one of the old rural areas of Taibeh where the divine beings had rested for a timeframe. The ruler, Amenhotep the Third, assembled this sanctuary in Luxor. It was said to have been based on the remains of an old place of love.

The lord, "City I", raised two mosques, one of which stays set up. Two statues of Ramses II, in the state of the "Sphinx", each have a smash head and a lion's body. It is noticed that under each jaw there is a statue of the lord himself. This street is the thing that they call "the method for rams." It is additionally noticed that a large portion of the development occurred amid the eighteenth Dynasty, amid the rule of Amenhotep the Second and Amenhotep the Third. However, was changed and extended amid the nineteenth Dynasty, and amid the rule of King "Ramses II" particularly. In the north-west corner of this yard there are three stalls that were set up to house the blessed boats of the "Thioth", worked by King "I" of the Nineteenth Dynasty.

Hence, the sanctuary of Karnak is the official castle of Amoun, and the sanctuary of Luxor turned into his private home, where he goes through with his family a time of lay and recovery on a particular date every year, and the sanctuary itself is situated on the Corniche Street straightforwardly inverse the Nile. At about the center of the sanctuary divider, there is a little entryway driving into the sanctuary

Rulers who took an interest in the development of Luxor Temple

The sanctuary was established by Tutankhamun, the lords Ay, Hor Hoveb, and City I, and King Ramses II led developments in the sanctuary. Tutankhamun recorded the scenes of the "Eid Obt" parade on the dividers encompassing the two tombs of the Tawaaf, and additionally the yearly "Amun" which closes at Luxor

There is most likely that the sanctuary was the site of an old sanctuary from the Middle Kingdom. Lord Thutmose III (1500 BC) started constructing three stalls of the hallowed "great" group of three on the remnants of that antiquated sanctuary. The Tuthmosis III stalls are still in the yard of King Ramses II in the sanctuary. Yet, was not a sanctuary known just in the time of King "Amenhotep III", which was manufactured seventy five percent

Establishment and format of the sanctuary:

Sanctuary of Amun Ra

The sanctuary comprises of a mihrab situated at the far eastern end. This mihrab was intended to safeguard the statues of the god Amun and his family. This place is known as the "Sacred of Holies", which was wrapped by murkiness. And afterward took after by an open patio overwhelmed by sunlight, and afterward closes this yard with an incredible opening situated between the towers. The building was intended to be the last façade of the sanctuary, however the distinctive lords who were later rebuffed added to it different yards toward the west. What's more, each of them finished with a reasonable, until the point when the sanctuary ended up plainly ten Sorouh that is the primary building of the sanctuary. It is crafted by the twenty-second family, yet has not finished yet! Between the towers of this structure is the passageway to the sanctuary that prompts the main yard. It is known as the "Bubastites' Courtyard", contrasted with the lords of "Tel Basta". It is a substantial patio with a line of segments as papyrus. It was once intervened by the "Jusak Taharqa" which comprised of ten agile segments raised by the lord "Taharqa" of the twenty-fifth family, and one of the segments still stands in its place.

Amidst the eighteenth Dynasty, the biggest family inherent Karnak, the lords went to construct yards and landmarks toward the south on another hub, isolated from the primary pivot of the sanctuary, yet soon the structures took the main course once more. The West, in the time of the lords of the nineteenth family and past.

Therefore, the structure of this sanctuary was opened up and a last shape taking after the letter T was embraced in English, however it is tilted on one side. This is the manner by which this letter distinguishes ten landmarks and contains a significant number of patios and agnostics. Before the sanctuary there is an incredible yard, where we see a high stage in the center, which was at one time a shipyard for the sanctuary, where the Nile was once near it.

On the off chance that we take a gander at the southern façade of the patio we were discussing, we will locate a lovely sanctuary raised by Ramses III to house the heavenly vessels. This sanctuary is viewed as a model of the whole Egyptian sanctuary. It starts with an incredible quality embellished with two brilliant statuettes of the ruler all things considered. Taken after by the open yard flanked by the baccalaureate (east and west). The dividers are enlivened with engravings portraying the ruler in different circumstances before the "Amun god", trailed by a vestibule with two lines of segments. The principal comprises of columns that are appended to statues of "Uzair" , And the second line comprises of four segments as papyrus. This passage drives us to the hall of the segments, which thus prompts the three corners committed to harboring the blessed boats of the "Great" Trinity. Alongside it are a few dull rooms that were utilized for revere.

The patio of the Great Temple and the Second Temple

In the patio of the Great Temple we see an incredible door in the southeastern corner of the yard, called the entryway of Chashnak. There are more than "Shashank" or "Sheshonk" Sheshonk .. To begin with, second, thus .. ruled Egypt in the second family and they are of Libyan cause. In any case, they led Egypt, battled for the sake of Egypt outside its fringes, and were nicknamed "Pharaoh." The primary Chashank brought the square with two exhibitions. This square turned into the primary structure. The sanctuary was worked in the rule of King "City I" (around 1290-1279 BC) and was worked by King Ramses I and by the Great Pillars of the Temple of Karnak. It was finished amid the rule of his child King Ramses II (around 1279-1213 BC).

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