الاثنين، 25 سبتمبر 2017

Pharaohs and the disclosure of the powers of nature

Pharaohs and the disclosure of the powers of nature

The regular states of Egypt for a large number of years were the most imperative factors that set up the antiquated Egyptian development on the banks of the Nile, which is properly viewed as the mother of the human civic establishments, from which whatever is left of the civic establishments that tailed it, regardless of whether old or current

We find that the idea of Egypt's topographical land, which is a high ground in the south, the Nile River, which streams from Central and East Africa, and a level land in the north, the Nile River branches into seven branches. This topographical nature safeguarded this progress, which was made by the antiquated Egyptian. The presence of the Eastern Desert, the Sinai Peninsula, the Western Desert, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea spoke to characteristic boundaries that secured Egypt, Egyptians and Egyptian progress from the Stone Age until the remainder of the Middle Kingdom around 1675 BC. A genuine threat confronting Egypt, spoke to by the Hyksos

In any case, this did but rather influence the Egyptian human advancement the Egyptian development has achieved a vast stage not influenced by this Asian danger Hyksosi, but rather likewise profit by the stream of the River Nile every year and frequently, which is an overwhelming risk in a few years and is rare in others, The regular stream of water is the mystery of life continually to this valley, which settled the Egyptian man on the banks of the waterway and had a steady effect of extraordinary perception and development

Egypt's atmosphere is direct, the atmosphere is clear and the sky is clear  consistently and the downpours are low or medium.

All these normal variables helped this individual to ruminate, think, look at and confirm, and afterward deliver and make and make a development was a limitless spring for whatever remains of civic establishments and the world before all his insight. This is confirm by the decisive confirmation and material proof that demonstrates that the antiquated Egyptian was the principal pioneer of the laws of characteristic science for a large number of years and not the current researchers.

Present day science alludes to the revelation of the laws of lightness to the world Archimedes (287 212 BC) after his story with his lord who needed to know the way that the heaviness of his brilliant crown is made of unadulterated gold or that the maker included another article, the story advises the section of Archimedes to the bath, That the water is dislodged by size and weight and afterward found the law of lightness and on the premise of this law has been enlisted in his name in every logical report right up 'til today.

In any case, did not the old Egyptian achieve the laws of lightness before Archimedes for a huge number of years? Truly, this is the thing that happened, yet how?

The steadiness of antiquated Egypt on the banks of the Nile for a huge number of years and the precision of its perception of what happens to this waterway consistently and the perception of the gliding of plants and trees on the surface of the water after the surge and the skimming of plant leaves and other critical effect trying to utilize wood trees to cross this stream side to side. He started by holding the tree stalk and biting it subsequent to grasping it, and after that advanced to attempt to sit on the leg of the huge trees and utilize the branches of little trees to move the expansive leg that conveys it. And afterward developed to endeavor to dive a little part sitting in the paunch of the leg, so as not to shrink the individual sitting in it and afterward needed to build speed by refining the front and back of the leg of the tree by making it pointed something
And after that developed again by including the legs of the wood to the essential leg connected to the ropes to appear as pontoon to move some of his effects, and over the long run could make little water crafts continuously and took a great many years and this before the time of recorded hundreds of years. This is confirm by the illustrations of oar pontoons on earthenware vessels going back to ancient circumstances in the human progress of Maadi, Dirtasa, Badari and others. They are currently shown in the Egyptian Museum, and also hued wall paintings or engraved on the hints of blades handles or the leader of the battling pin.

Confirmation of the verification and evidence of the physical learning of the Egyptian man of lightness, all going back to more than 7 thousand years BC and amid the old ages, we find that amid the old state Egyptian lords sent in the demand of cedar wood from the bank of Phenicia (now Sham) for crafted by pontoons and extravagance furniture and months and most established and biggest existing vessel It is situated by the Great Pyramid of King Khufu (2589 - 2566 BC) in Giza, which is around 48 meters in length and 6 meters wide and 7 meters high, comprising of 1252 bits of wood.

To put it plainly, the antiquated Egyptian has without a doubt demonstrated his insight into the laws of lightness a huge number of years before Archimedes with the physical proof that is in our grasp an observer to the virtuoso of the old Egyptian and went before him in the learning of these laws.

The advanced science additionally characterizes the laws of gravity, and the earth has an alluring power that pulls in all its water, every one of the parts of the world's surface and everything that goes ahead in the Earth's air or even in the space encompassing the Earth, for example, airplane, space ships and satellites.

They ascribed the law of gravity to the world Isaac Newton after the fall of an apple before an apple tree was resting down, considering why the fall of this apple toward the earth and not to the sky with the re-analyze by tossing distinctive materials up and the perception of falling back to earth.

The aftereffect of the strength of the antiquated Egyptian man in the valley of the Nile for a large number of years in the lap of the Nile valley in peace, without chance, which gave him the chance to ponder and perception and logical thinking about all the distinctive materials contained in the earth around him. It is the logical strategy for logical trials called logical research steps known (perception - reflection - encounter - the outcome) and perceive how the antiquated Egyptian connected these means in the learning of the properties of materials throughout his life:

The old Egyptian perception of the shadow of items amid the day and their development against the development of the sun greatly affected subjecting this gonad to research, study and finish of the outcomes and after that attempting to make utilization of it in his life. He found that the beams of light are moving in a straight line. This is utilized as a part of laying the principle pivot of the sanctuaries in a straight line, A point in the sanctuary, the Holy of Holies, and even serves God could see from the Holy of Holies inside the Temple individuals or his workers outside the sanctuary. In the meantime, he couldn't see the statue of this god. The straight hub expands many meters, Luxor, Edfu and Koo Embu and different sanctuaries.

In Ramses Abbey, we find that the focal point of the considerable sanctuary from the passageway to the Holy of Holies where the statues of Ramses II and the support of Achti, Amun and Ptah, we find that the sun opposite twice per year on the substance of Ramses II from the passageway to the statue 30 m to serve the old Egyptian idea and conviction that Ramses The second child of the sun god, the substance of the statue consistently twice while praising the birthday of the ruler and the day delegated King of Egypt additionally knew the sun based overthrow of the sun between the halls of Capricorn and tumor every year where the sun passes yearly twice in one point.

We find that the ministers ridicule science and the qualities of light in demonstrating the ethical thought of the adoration for the sun god to his child Ramses II and his strength of decision without people, all sparkling on it and this occurs in a grave service before the old Egyptians and affirm the tenet of the decision of the sun god (Ra) Without every single individual.

This demonstrates the old Egyptian revelation of the trademark that "light goes in straight lines".

The antiquated Egyptian could ruminate and watch, and afterward to think and presume that the wood has a property of development if immersed with water and increment the span of wood over the long haul

The antiquated Egyptian went to the quarries to cut the distinctive stones of the sorts (rock - Durait - Pasteur - Basalt - Jerry ... and so on.) in view of the property of the development of wood with water. Also, it attempts to cut back to back openings in the mountain the span of the stone square to be sliced and to be 10 m × 2 m Determine the extent of the mass, and after that begin to click gaps little successive 10 cm profound and put out bits of dry wood and after that pour water on it commonly at close interims, The wood retains water and builds its volume

What's more, the weight of these sizes of progressive wood makes frail focuses in the stone square and makes a break in the stone piece and isolated from the mountain, and in addition in the settlement of the surface of the base of the pyramid to settle the exhuming of divided each 2 m from the other covering the whole surface of the earth, for instance pyramid Khufu 230 × 230 m and each opening The profundity of the 20 cm trees are put trees from the leg of the tree, and watering at interims, these pieces extend and increment in estimate, which is weight toward every path on the surface of the earth, which attempts to break the surface and encourage the fulfillment of crafted by refinement of the surface with hand apparatuses.

Furthermore, the old Egyptian utilized the element of broadening the wood by water in the development of the vessels and making the methods for interfacing the wooden parts to each other through little openings in progressive keeps running of ropes of material, which contracts with water and attempts to associate the wooden parts that expand and the ropes shrivel, in this manner keeping these timber interconnected withou

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