الأحد، 24 سبتمبر 2017

The Secret Chamber of the Great Pyramid

The Secret Chamber of the Great Pyramid

Dr. Khalil Masihah, a specialist and Egyptian classicist, contemplated the Great Pyramid for over four years, including eighteen months utilizing extraordinary gadgets working in the hypo thesis of mass spectrometry, and wrote in his own journals and journals of unear things led formally in the Great Pyramid from March 2, 1967 to March 13, 1967. He generally had his cover that the genuine entombment load of Khufu was not yet found and that it must be available in the pyramid of Khufu in Giza, for reasons that the manufacturers of the pyramids in the fourth, fifth and 6th families was internment loads under the ground dissimilar to the present room Khufu, Construction K According to the writings of the pyramids, the ruler after his demise experiences the sky in the vessel of God and subsequently found the pontoons of the sun around the pyramid and that the lord rises to the sky to end up plainly a star by the stars of Osiris altogether Aljbar and this is accomplished by the ventilation burrows rooms Khufu,

The ruler, after his passing, took after Azuris lord of the other world. Dr. Khalil has confidence in reality of Herodotus' fourth century BC tale about the room of the privileged insights of Khufu, which the Egyptians let it know was situated under the pyramid, and the tomb of Khufu in an island encompassed by water from all sides, Of the Nile River is a similar request of the Osirion or the burial ground of Osiris known as Abidus There are many confirmation of reality of Herodotus in spite of a few logical inconsistencies and false bits of gossip composed by his counterparts

Dr. Khalil picked the Queen's Room at Haram as the start of the exploration because of its special outline and situated amidst the pyramid. When he dissected the spaces utilizing the mass spectrometry, he could find the passageway of the Khufu Treasures Chamber beneath the floor of the room. The Egyptian Antiquities Authority formally endorsed the demand of Dr. Khalil and Dr. Heshmat Masih Secretary General of the territory raised the pyramid at the time cleaning the floor of the Queen room and started work with the assistance of a group of talented specialists and cleaned the floor of the room from the collected soil throughout the years, which came to around ten centimeters thick like a wax, Unburden This is another disclosure in itself,

They discovered parts of the bronze boring instruments utilized by the specialists in the development of the Great Pyramid at the season of its creation. It was set in a woods and sent to the research centers of the Antiquities Authority for examination. The work proceeded in cleaning until the point when 10 March 1967. In March 13, 1967, the specialists took a shot at a test that was a gap close to 2 creeps in breadth at the area set by Dr. Khalil,

Fur the rmore, a steel wire was embedded under the stone and reached out for a separation of more than twenty meters, so ensure this is truly the way they are searching for. They likewise separated a shaded powdery hued material from a stone under the stone that was sent to the research facility of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo for investigation. From some time recently. Dr. Khalil notes in his journals that in the meantime the unearthings were postponed at the demand of the Department, to account for an American mission that asked for the utilization of grandiose beams to scan for the mystery room,

What's more, did not enter the Great Pyramid but rather they went to the second pyramid and every one of their endeavors, which endured 4 years after that fizzled, and solicited the Antiquities Authority from Dr. Khalil and Dr. Hishmat delay the unearthings for a half year, yet did not continue from the time until today. It is affirmed by the legitimacy of Dr. Khalil's revelation that the Egyptian researcher Edwards, the most acclaimed of the Egyptian pyramids, expressed in a release of his book, distributed in 1946, that "the Pharaohs did not complete their work in the Queen's Chamber in the Great Pyramid", showing that the floor of the room was not finished with stone sections Like whatever remains of the rooms and passages in the Great Pyramid,

A similar depiction of the floor that was not finished in the book of excavator William Petri about pyramids and sanctuaries of Giza, that is, the Great Pyramid has stayed since the opening does not see guests any stone tiles in the floor of the Queen's room until Dr. Khalil Masih in 1967 and uncovered that the Pharaohs were Have finished their work totally inside the Queen's room and that one of the stone floor tiles, each measuring a few tons is the cover prompting the mystery room containing the insider facts of the Pharaohs came after Dr. Khalil different missions, for example, the French Mission in 1986,

At that point the mission of the Japanese University of Waseda in 1987 and utilized the gear of electromagnetic radiation and proposed the presence of spaces by the northwestern mass of the Queen's room, which affirms the legitimacy of Dr. Khalil's exploration, despite the fact that their gear is restricted to identify the profundity of more than five meters as per their distributed reports, in spite of Dr. Khalil's exploration, Of twenty meters utilizing a test of steel and the hypothesis of mass radiation.

The tale of the mystery assembly of the Great Pyramid in Giza with the Greek student of history Herodotus, when the ministers who went with him in the visit revealed to him that Khufu's body was set in a room at the base of the pyramid.

In his book, "The Chamber of Secrets," Robert Boval considers that there are various leveled compositions credited to the god Thoth, in which Isis discloses to her child Horus about the mystery information of the god Thoth, cut on a stone and covered up in the pyramid close to the riddles of Osiris.

In 1993, the German specialist Rudolf Gantenberg, in participation with the German Institute in Cairo, cleaned the ventilation gaps in the ruler's room. He composed a robot called Wawwat and analyzed the four openings in the ruler's room and the lord's room. , And shockingly the German designer distributed his work without consent.

The German designer accepted, as Saleh stresses, that he uncovered the entryway of a mystery live with metal handles, calling attention to that the American Geographical Society Foundation, and with the interest of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, analyzed the southern vent opening of the Queen's room uncovered by German specialist Gantenberg

Dr. Zahi Hawass said in his article that the arrival to the Pharaonic papyrus demonstrates that the lord was searching for "the reports of God Thoth" to enable him to plan the pyramid.

Saleh clarifies that the papyrus and stecker show that King Khufu hunt down the reports of God Thoth to enable him to outline the Great Pyramid, a hazardous flag if the Israelis knew about it, as he accepted, in light of the fact that these archives were alluded to by the Belgian specialist Robert Beauval, , Or syntactic information (in respect to the lord of learning of Thoth) and speaks to the premise of Western human advancement.

Some consider the papyrus an affirmation of the believability of the hypothesis of the "records" room or the mystery room, which was alluded to by the well known trance specialist Edgar Kiss, who is referred to in America as the resting prophet, and whose archives hit the starting points of Egyptian development and ascribed to others, so some accept in spite of their logical delicacy.

Salih declares that the papyrus and stecker specified nothing about the reports of the god Thoth, yet talks about the locks of the Temple of Thoth, which Khufu was inspired with, and he needed to make such horseshoes as his pyramid. He called attention to that the papyrus was referred to among the archeologists as the "Cheops and the Sorcerer's Papyrus" Germany.

As per the antiquated Egyptian content, the author of the papyrus says that His Majesty King Khufu was continually searching for the locks of the sanctuary of Thoth. To work for his frame of reference (pyramid) like her. "

"The entertainer said that the secures were discovered a container in a room called" the start of Heliopolis. "At the point when the lord requested that the performer bring them, he apologized that he couldn't bring them. , But who can be three kids still in their moms' stomaches.

Saleh clarifies that the reports of Thoth were said just in a scholarly content that goes back to the late period, known as the account of "Steny Khadawas", which goes back to the late time. The writer expressed that the sovereign "Nefer Ka Ptah" read a book or reports "Thoth" Heaven and earth, and knew the dialect of feathered creatures and creatures, and in this manner Prince Steny Khomas needed to get these "records" and realized that they covered with the Prince "Nefer Ka Ptah" in his grave in Manf.

He went to the burial ground to get it, yet he withdrew; in light of the fact that he realized that these archives convey cataclysms to the individuals who have it, and realized that the purpose behind the demise of Nefer Ka Ptah and his family is the ownership of these records, withdrew from taking them from the graveyard.

In this manner, the principal papyrus talks about "the locks of the Temple of God Thoth" and the second discusses "the records of Thoth" which still exist some place in the Memphis graveyard. This clarifies why it regards separate between them.

"The myth of the mystery chamber proceeded in the pyramid in late 2004 when French planners Gilles Dorm and Jean-Yves Verdahart asserted that there was a fourth room inside the pyramid, and there was a room beneath the room known as the Queen's Room. Lord Khufu, with treasures past the fortunes of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

This was not the main endeavor by French designer Gilles Dorm to assert mystery chambers inside the Great Pyramid; in March 1985 he and another specialist, Jean Patrice Goudan, guaranteed a mystery arrangement of passages and chambers inside the Great Pyramid.

The French specialists called attention to that this framework was proposed to veil cheats, so as not to take the internment chamber, and this room was recognized - right now - that it deceives the west of the five weight help rooms situated over the King's Chamber.

Saleh affirms that in 1986 the analyst Gilles Dorm could get a for each

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