الخميس، 28 سبتمبر 2017

The idea of heaven and fire in the period of the Pharaohs

The idea of heaven and fire in the period of the Pharaohs

The old Egyptian lived on the banks of the Nile for a large number of years. Its incredible human progress was assembled. It existed together with the regular and characteristic Egyptian condition, and the land idea of Egypt impacted the development and appearance of his convictions which he grasped for the duration of his life through the Pharaonic ages.

As he trusted in life and worked with all his mental vitality and goal to exploit all accessible by the Egyptian condition of land and its fortunes, atmosphere and characteristic marvels, and the universe and its wonders, and created an extraordinary human advancement in light of confidence in life, work for him as though he will live everlastingly perpetually in each Egypt has turned into a signal for different people groups.

As the old Egyptian trusted in great and encouraged him for the duration of his life, and prescribed him to his youngsters and kids, and safe - likewise - insidious and suggested the separation from him and oversaw amid his life unremarkable more than three thousand years to record the lessons of the insightful call for good and peace, and glorification and support of the best and best reward on the planet for the honorable Both.

Furthermore, in the tenet of the Baath and everlasting status, which he had faith in the result of the normal wonders watched and affected by this precept, he saw after each dusk of the sun Sunrise, and after each surge another surge,

After plant germination another. He trusted that he had another post-existence, and as he put stock in great and insidiousness in the life of the world, he attempted to recognize the great folks from the awful folks and to give everybody his right, regardless of whether with great discipline or cruel discipline.

I imagine that there is a paradise for the honorable, which is known as the Yarrow, which is the fields of Ozer. I likewise trust that there is fire and hellfire for the fiendish, And the Lord of the Dead, there must be a reasonable trial for each man to get the discipline of what he has conferred amid his first life, on the off chance that it is great and great, regardless of the possibility that shrewdness is underhanded.


Old Egyptians accept - after death - that their stay in the tomb isn't interminable, yet there is a trial to another life everlasting unceasing life

Which was communicated in the old Egyptian dialect (Deen Ankh Jaht) and interpreted (to give life or forever), which was fixed by every one of the cases on the graves.

This period amongst death and the second life must be attempted before the divine force of the great beyond. The old Egyptians envisioned the trial in various ways and met the primary components in their origination of it, remembering that the scenes of the trial were shot by the decision of the burial ground before his passing, as per his desires and wishes for himself, as showed up in Psalm 30 and 125 of the Book of the Dead .

In the initial segment of the trial scene, regularly the most astounding perspective, which starts with the photo of the perished standing or bowing, procures himself before God (Ausir) just, while others depict himself before all extraordinary and incredible divine beings, for example, Ra, Isis, Horus) applauding his honesty for them from any transgression.

While others wound up before forty-two god delegates of equity in the territories of Egypt each forty-two regions, each headed by the plumes of equity, which was called Maat,

The main illustration is that the expired (amid his lifetime) needed to affirm his purity from any wrongdoing or sin before the divine beings, along these lines affirming his confidence and unreasonable trust so as to demonstrate his guiltlessness before all divine beings. The second illustration is that the expired needed to ignore himself in every one of the territories of Egypt, and he isolated the names of these divine beings in his name and prevented blame from securing sins. Also, he starts by satisfying each god by his name and surname, and denies himself a transgression, for example, I didn't take, I was not executed.

At the point when this scene is finished, he is offered consent to enter the court and attempt before the Lord of the Other World (Ozer), which is portrayed as a substantial lobby with the position of authority of Auser in his lodge and before him the divine beings (Hathor, Isis and Nephthis).

This is the place the perished originates from his hand to the celestial trial (Horus) and behind his expired (ka) and (ka) is the quran who is required to bite the dust amid his life and after his demise day and night as a shadow, he knows every little thing about him and his essence here to be an observer to him. Everything that strikes a chord here is a similar scene in the moment of retribution in Islam that each man will have a driver and a saint.

Why to the old Egyptian personality this scene in spite of the drop of the Koran around a thousand years after the finish of the Pharaonic time?

Behind the perished stands the goddess Maat, the Lord of Justice, whose head is decorated with the image of the Feather (Maat), which is put to be determined of the heaviness of the heart and between the honored position of (Ausir) and the expired and his family and Horus and Matat Najd amidst the monkey

Furthermore, the monkey here is the god (Jhuti) Lord of Account and science and in some different scenes indicates Abu Qardan, nicknamed (Thoth) Lord of the record is recorded because of weight to provide for the god (Ausir) and the adjust that the sleeve that the core of the expired remaining beside the adjust.

The image of equity is either the badminton or the image of the goddess Maat, and over it is the plume for the hand of the god (Ausir). Regularly, the expired solicitations the portrayal of the heart in an indistinguishable weight of the plumes from the painter of the scene. All mirrors speak to the heart in an indistinguishable weight from the image of equity, since this is the proof of honesty for the great expired.

This demonstrates the antiquated Egyptian trusted that the heart, which is known as the "Ib", is the wellspring of good or underhandedness. The heart is the pot of works, as it is said (heart stone or dark heart) to analyze the terrible folks. .

In Islam we find that in the ahaadeeth of the Holy Prophet, what is its significance (that in the body of a meddah that you have accommodated, the entire body is accommodated, if the entire body is debased, and furthermore (devotion is here, and it alludes to his heart) and furthermore that God does not take a gander at your face but rather takes a gander at what And in your heart), that is, the terrible deeds stay in the hearts, and the presentation of something into something weighting the weight here is the heaviness of the heart.

In the Holy Quran, the adjust is specified in Surat al-Rahman (and the sky is raised and the adjust is set) and furthermore (and whoever takes every necessary step of a decent iota will see it, and whoever takes every necessary step of a molecule of insidiousness will see it).

The general population now says in Egypt (light heart), (feeble heart), (heart stone) and (dark heart).
These cases demonstrate to us that the heart loaded with sins and sins is substantial, to know the truthfulness of this human than the other must be the heaviness of the heart. Also, to the care of the perished before his passing requests that the craftsman depict the heaviness of his heart equivalent to the heaviness of the image of equity evidence of his blamelessness of any wrongdoing.

Why to the psyche of the old Egyptian this thought?

At the point when the heaviness of the heart and the evidence of his blamelessness of sins, the divine force of the record records the outcome and presents it to Ozer, the Lord of the Other World who at that point consents to give the perished life (Ankh) to start his other life.

Alongside the adjust lies another god molded by the old Egyptian as a representative creature comprising of the leader of a crocodile and the presentation of a lion and the back of the seven ocean and called the name of (Amo), or (uncle), or (Yum)

This is what is brought in Arabic (accusative), which eats up the core of the delinquents if the adjust demonstrates their blame on account of the heaviness of the heart. The significance of eating up this divine force of the heart is the loss of the perished's heart and his life whether in land, waterway or ocean, he has no place on earth once more.

After the trial and when the purity of the perished shows up and records this god (Thoti) the Lord of Account and exhibits him to the god (Ausir) the Lord of the other world who gives the expired his second life in the sign (Ankh) to start his new life.

We find that the old Egyptian has been recorded in the book (Gates): (Your work will be improved the situation you). (Your bones will meet up for you). (They will evacuate the mummy entombments and take away the mummy veils.) Free yourself from your undertakings with the goal that you will appreciate the fields of Yarrow and the old Egyptian photography of the Yaro or the fields of the god Ozer as specified in the Book of the Dead.

Are streams of water running in blue, including the fields of (Osir) and the perished and is planted with eyes of water of various hues and the expired to cruise unreservedly in these waterways with a little pontoon conveying alone. In a few scenes his better half is his successor in the fields of (Ausir).

Also, one of alternate presents him sitting before the table of offerings eat and drink of sustenance and products of the soil and pictures of them (bread - lager - onions - meat - lettuce - duck - geese) and organic products (Pomegranate figs) .

The inquiry? For what reason does the old Egyptian envision heaven along these lines?

Envision that this heaven is underground, and the explanation behind covering the expired underground in the burial ground and the nearness of streams comes from the penetrating of wells and the exit of water from them.

So envision that this heaven for the life of the other down the earth by the numerous waterways of the fields of Ozer, however shouldn't something be said about the state of the lakes and the distinctive hues that give the impression of the difference in taste?

Furthermore, the individuals who fear their Lord have Gardens underneath which waterways stream, where they will slide from God, and God is useful for the honest. "Surah Al-Imran, verse 198, and furthermore" Those are the cutoff points of Allah, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will enter Paradise. " Under which streams stream, wherein the considerable triumph might be held. "Surat Al-Nisa ', verse 13.

As I think the old Egyptian in Paradise for the noble, I additionally think - in the fire or hellfire of the fiendish, and it was known as the name and significance in the antiquated Egyptian dialect (fire), and envisioned by the old Egyptian as got on papyrus with the Book of the Dead.

Is a red lake in which the evil are tossed into their bodies, and the mystery of being spoken to by the lake, so the delinquent can not effortlessly receive in return. In a few scenes, this lake is encompassed by a thick dark divider, with no passageway or exit totally shut.

Within is missing and has no chance to get out, and is encompassed by the outside of ten snakes of the dangerous kebra snakes and the motivation behind the miscreant who is attempting to escape from the pool of flame.

In the four corners of this lake we discover eight or four monkeys sitting on the seat to protect this lake or hellfire to keep the delinquents from getting away and we find in a few scenes one monkey for each corner or two monkeys lastly on the four sides of the fire we locate a sign (sj) amidst the lake, the assortments of the liable are copied, dark, without a head.

We find that "Saj" in the antiquated Egyptian dialect, close like what is implied in Arabic (sjail) as one of the names of damnation.

A significant number of the photos of damnation or fire were recorded in numerous papyrus and burial grounds, despite the fact that the subtle elements contrasted, however the substance and beginning were one. They portrayed the copying of the miscreants in the pool of flame, isolated by their arms and in a few places in an upset position.

Eternal life: the restoration of the dead again to resuscitate his second life, who revealed to him that there is a moment post-existence, particularly he didn't see one of the dead revives and disclose to him what happened !!

Spirit: one of the parts of the human that I think they live in the body forever, and afterward left climbing to the sky as a flying creature with the head and face of the perished, who called it (Ba), who enlightened him concerning the spirit, in spite of being a mystery of God Almighty (And get some information about the spirit, say it is from the Lord), particularly as he didn't see by one of the dead has been out of the soul !!

Quraine: A duplicate of the individual going with him for the duration of his life under the ground, and meet with him at the trial to vouch for him, regardless of whether great or insidiousness, since he sees him day and night amid his life, the Koran, which was known as the Egyptian (Ka) knows all little and substantial, Everyone has an accomplice.

Trial or estimation: the moment of retribution and discipline saw by (Ausir) to know crafted by the expired regarding its legitimacy and defilement. The possibility of count and discipline is found in the magnificent messages. From where did the antiquated Egyptian realize that there is a moment of retribution and discipline in the other world?

Balance and weight of the heart: a measure that the old Egyptian envisioned to quantify the decency or defilement of man, and his insight into being great or great or malice.
Heart or goal: the wellspring of good or shrewdness in man. What's more, the core of the pot of works and being without light of sins and sins, the confirmation of goodness and goodness and the punishment of Paradise and being substantial, loaded with sins and sins proof of defilement and shrewdness, fire or hellfire.

Paradise (Yarrow): the fields of the god (Ausir) the Lord of the Other World, the reward of the noble to carry on with a moment life, under which waterways stream, and have eyes to drink and live with the divine beings.

Fire or Hell (SJ): Hell or damnation to the devilish, as discipline for what their hands have conferred sins and sins.

What's more, here is a respite with the antiquated Egyptian, we find that there is an extraordinary comparability between the convictions of the old Egyptian and what is expressed in the messages of paradise, particularly Islam on the Baath, life, heaven and fire, in spite of the fact that Christianity and Islam started following 332 years and 940 years after the finish of the Egyptian development

, And this is because of the way that Egypt is the place where there is civic establishments, saw visits to a considerable lot of the prophets of God Almighty who conveyed the best messages to humankind to people with the goal that he can live on earth in peace.

(Egypt), and additionally (Jacob) and his kids (Egypt)

(Peace arrive) and every one of the prophets of Egypt, Egypt and the Pharaohs, and conveyed the messages of God to man and humankind to remind the human when all is said in done to his Creator and to educate him of his dinners and his rights and his part in life.

In perspective of the colossal advancement of humankind, God sent one message after another to stay aware of this improvement and guide man to the straight way. I found these messages from the Apostles who get them and select some of their ideas

We mean the clerics in the old Egyptian sanctuaries, so they consolidated these antiquated convictions with what they realized through these messages. This abnormal closeness happened between the wonderful messages and the Egyptian buildings.


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